Page 55 of All Of My Sundays

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“Oh, what do you need love?”

“I wondered if there used to be a garden out the back. I was thinking of surprising Lorenzo and planting some flowers,” I tell her, and her smile grows.

“Aww. His grandparents used to tend the garden together. It was adorable how much they loved each other before his grandmother passed away. She used to love roses as much as I do. If you want some help, we could plant some rose bushes back there to liven up the space. I think after she passed, the lads couldn’t keep it going,” she informs me.

“That would be great. Would you be able to help me with a list of everything I would need?”

“Yes of course. I’ll nip inside and grab a pen and paper and write a list for you now. Won’t be a minute,” she says, turning on her heels. I move back to the yard, looking around the large space and imagining what it could look like if we brightened it up with some flowers. I hope it brings a smile to Lorenzo’s face especially after Gladys mentioned his grandma used to look after the garden. I wonder if it was also her who hand-painted the kitchen chairs.

Sighing, my heart feels lighter than it ever has. This whole house has so much more love surrounding it than I’ve ever known before.

“Sophia?” I hear Gladys’s call, so I head back to where she can see me. “There you are love. Here you go. This is all you would need to get the soil in good nick to start. There’s a gardening shop up at the strip mall where you’ll find it all. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. You can use all my tools if you need so don’t worry about buying any of those for now.”

“Thank you so much Gladys. I’ll take you up on the gardening info as I haven’t the slightest clue what I’m doing.”

“I’ll make a green thumb out of you in no time,” she tells me, laughing.

“Well, I’m gonna head off and try to find all of this. I’ll see you soon,” I tell her, holding up the list.

“Bye love,” she says, waving as I walk back into the yard. With one last glance at the garden, I step up onto the deck, through the door then lock it behind me.

I decide against walking and call an Uber instead which takes me straight to the gardening place Gladys mentioned. Overwhelmed with choices, I end up having to ask one of the sales assistants to direct me. With some compost, soil and a few different rose plants to start with, I catch an Uber back to Lorenzo’s.

It isn’t until I’m standing at the front door, sweat dripping down my back, I rummage through my bag and realise my mistake.

“Damn it,” I yell, I hit myself in the forehead as I realise, I’ve left the key to the house sitting on the kitchen table. I had pulled the door closed and the lock had clicked into place, so I didn’t realise my mistake before I left. Accepting my fate, I bend and pick up a bag and haul it around to the back of the house. It takes a couple trips back and forth but then I have everything in the backyard.

“Did you get everything?” Gladys’ voice calls over the fence.

“Yes, but I managed to lock myself out of the house.

“Oh no. Well how about I bring my tools over and we can get planting. You’re welcome to come join me at my place for lunch afterwards if you’d like?” she offers.

“Sounds great. Thanks.” With that problem solved I won’t have to ring Lorenzo to come save me. Gosh, the first day of marriage and I was already going to have to call him. I don’t want him realising he’s married to a mess of a woman this early on. It may make him second guess this whole pact.


Gladys and I get to work, and she directs me with what to do. We fix up the soil and she shares all her useful tips about growing roses and how compost is a big help. I grabbed a couple plants, so they aren’t big but it’s a start.

She leads me back to her house when we are finished in the garden and makes us some tea and sandwiches for lunch. She’s telling me stories about her late husband when my phone rings. The name husband flashes across the screen bringing a smile to my face.

I swipe to answer and greet him with, “Hey you,” which has his light laughter reaching my ear.

“How’s my beautiful wife today?” his warm voice asks, which makes my skin heat.

“I’m good, although I’ve locked myself out of the house,” I inform him.

“What? Why didn’t you ring me?”

“I didn’t want to bother you and I met the lovely Gladys over the fence who has taken pity on me and invited me round for lunch.”

“I did not take pity on you love. I was in need of some company if I’m being honest,” she tells me, and my heart hurts for her being all alone in this house now.

“Oh, Mrs. McMillian is amazing. I am on the way though. I don’t want to hear any arguing either. I’ve done everything I needed to anyway so it’s just paperwork, but I can catch up on it later,” he tells me. I hate the thought of him having to leave work for me, but I accept it.

“I will see you soon then.”

“Yes, you will,” he says, before he hangs up.
