Page 62 of All Of My Sundays

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“Oh, he didn’t tell you?”

“No. What deal?” I demand.

“He bought you Sophia. He told me I could finally buy his auto shop for a sum of money and for your hand in marriage,” he says casually, like he’s talking about the weather.

My head swims as my heartbeat picks up pace. He made a deal with my dad to marry me? That can’t be true, can it? Has this all been another business transaction but this time between my dad and Lorenzo? Is Lorenzo like my dad but better at hiding it? No. No he’s not like my dad and I believe the connection between us is real. You can’t fake the way he’s treated me. He’s treated me better in the last few days than I’ve felt from my family my whole life. The thoughts keep lashing at me faster and faster until one sticks firmly in place. My eyes glare at my father.

“You sold me?” I yell, lashing out. His eyes widen at the fact I’ve chosen to focus on his part in all of this. He thought he could turn me on Lorenzo but all it’s done is make me mad at the man who I call a father. “I’m done. I want nothing to do with either of you, ever again,” I scream, as I turn and hurry out of the room.

“Sophia,” he yells after me, but I pay him no mind, rushing up the stairs into my room. I grab the bag that still lies open on my bed. I rush from my room and down the stairs. My mother waits for me at the bottom, but I don’t stop, stomping past her on my way to the car.

“Sophia, could you see it from our point of view?” she asks, following behind me. I don’t reply, not in the mood to keep arguing. “Sophia please stop,” she says, grabbing my forearm.

“I’m getting married to him Mum whether you like it or not,” I tell her, crossing my arms over my chest.

“How much do you know about him? You’ve only been around him a few days,” she argues.

“I know enough. He’s a good man. That’s all I need to know.”

She releases a sigh before she says, “Sometimes that isn’t enough.” I roll my eyes because I can’t keep having the same argument.

“Maybe if you married for love instead of money, you’d feel differently,” I seethe.

“I did marry for love Sophia. That was my problem. I married the man who I loved but not one who loved me back like I deserved,” she admits, as her eyes drop.

“If you know you deserve better then why stay?” I argue, as some of the rage leaves me at her confession.

“One day you’ll understand Sophia. I want better for you. I don’t want you making the same mistakes I did.”

“He cares for me Mum. I know he does,” I plead. She stares at me a few beats before releasing a long breath.

“I’ll talk to your father, please don’t cut us off completely Sophia,” she huffs.

“I won’t have Lorenzo talked down to or made to feel unwanted in this family. I don’t want to see dad at the moment with what he’s done but Lorenzo’s going to be my husband so if you still want me in your life then you’re gonna have to accept him. The both of you,” I demand.

“I’ll talk to your father. It’ll be fine. Drive safely,” she says, before turning away and walking back into the house. I unlock the car and pop the boot, shoving my bag in there. I turn the car on and peel out of the driveway, breathing deeply to calm myself down. Before I know it, I’m pulling into the dirt parking lot I left a few hours earlier.

There are more cars here than there were earlier and it’s dark out now. I lock the car up, second guessing coming here. I didn’t think about the fact Lorenzo would be busy with work. Idrove without a plan, knowing it was him on my mind. It’s a bit late to turn back now so I continue forward.

The country music blasting through the bar hits me as I walk in. I forgot Thursdays are line dancing nights. I’m surprised they still do them after all these years. The fanatics are already up and dancing like the professionals they are. Last time I was here I was amazed at how in sync everyone was. It must come with a lot of practice.

Glancing around the dim lit bar, I notice Lorenzo over by an empty table clearing glasses before he wipes the table down. He works methodically and I can’t help how my heart beats faster watching him, thinking that man is my husband.

“Hey darling, are you here for Lorenzo?” the old man Ted says.

“Yeah, I don’t want to bug him though while he’s working. Is it okay if I hang here while he works?” I ask, taking a seat at the bar in front of him.

“He’s had a scowl on his face since he walked through the door today and is checking his phone every five minutes so I doubt you could distract him anymore than he already is. I was about to tell him to call it a night as he’s getting snappy,” he tells me, which doesn’t sound like Lorenzo at all. I watch as he pulls his phone out of his pocket, checking it. There isn’t anything he sees on it that holds his attention, so he roughly shoves it back into his jeans and rubs the rag across the table harsher than needed.

Pulling my phone out of my bag, I don’t see any messages from him but decide to call him, hoping the surprise doesn’t put him in a worse mood. I dial his number and bring the phone to my ear. I watch him from my vantage point as his phone must vibrate in his pocket. He nearly drops the glasses in his haste to put them back down on the table. His eyes crinkle as he answers the phone.

“Little bird? You alright?” he asks, worry lacing his voice.

“I’m good,” I tell him, watching as he sits his butt on the edge of the table, crossing one arm over his chest.

“Sorry I can hardly hear you over the music tonight. What are you doing now?” he asks, his foot scuffing the ground.
