Page 65 of All Of My Sundays

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“Yeah. I stormed out during dinner. I probably should have eaten first,” I confess, making him laugh.

“Let's feed you,” he says, walking down the hallway to the kitchen, turning lights on as he goes. As I round the corner my heart sighs at the sight of the little hand painted table in the corner I’ve come to love only after a few short days. How can it only be a few days, but I feel more at home with Lorenzo, who is practically a stranger, in his house than in my own house with my parents who I’ve lived with my whole life?

“We aren’t moving too fast, are we?” I ask, taking a seat and watching as he opens the fridge, searching for something to eat.

Turning to me his top lip pulls up, “I’ve waited eight years to get you back into my life little bird. I don’t care how fastor slow we go, as long as you’re mine.” My eyes widen at his admission.

“You’ve held onto that pact of ours the whole time? You didn’t consider another option?” I ask, stunned. He closes the fridge, standing straight before reaching his hand behind him. He pulls his brown leather wallet out of his back pocket, flicks it open and then hands a scuffed piece of paper that’s folded up to me.

I take it gently unfolding the worn page. There on the weathered page is the faded words of our pact we made all those years ago. I hardly remembered the actual conversation we had that night, but I had remembered the identical page I’d found in my bra cup and whenever I’d felt down over the years I’d hoped one day Lorenzo would come for me. I did find the longer the years went on the more it slipped from my mind. I’d thought it a silly fantasy because someone as kind and gorgeous as Lorenzo would be taken by the time we hit thirty.

“You kept this the whole time?” I ask, my hand shaking as I hold the paper.

“Little bird, can I tell you something without you running for the hills?” he says, stepping towards me and bending his knees to squat in front of me. I nod because my throat is suddenly dry. He takes one of my hands in his, inspecting my fingers before his eyes look up at me. “I’ve had a crush on you since back in high school and when I say crush that is probably me mellowing it a bit, so you don’t run. But know there was never a doubt in my mind after we made the pact that I would come for you. I hope one day, you’ll feel the same way I do about you,” he says, before lifting my hand to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to the back of it.

“Lorenzo,” I sigh, and he shrugs his shoulders before standing and moving back to the fridge. “We hardly know each other though.”

He turns back to me before he answers, “I know enough. You’re kind and sweet. You have a big heart and in my eyes you’re amazing. I felt it in my bones all those years ago, there was something about you Sophia. I still feel the same way now.”

“What if you’re wrong about me?”

“My gut hasn’t led me astray so far,” he says, which makes me shake my head at him, making his smile widen. “Don’t forget we need to get through number two on the list. We should alter it and have it say you can’t run from your husband without fulfilling that part too,” he says, winking at me before opening the fridge. With pinched brows I glance down at the paper again reading over number two. My eyes widen before I squeal.

“Take you for a test drive? Like you’re a car? How drunk was I?” I blurt out, which makes him laugh loudly.

“You wanted tequila and so I gave you tequila which in hindsight probably wasn't a good idea,” he says, checking the freezer. “Frozen pizza?”

“Sounds great. The pizza, not the test drive,” I tell him. He turns the knobs, preheating the oven before unwrapping the meat lover's pizza and placing it on a tray. He leans back against the counter with his ankles crossed and casually crosses his arms. I glance down at the paper again before flicking my eyes up to his.

“The test drive doesn’t appeal to you?” he teases, and I feel my whole-body heat under his gaze. He holds my gaze as a smile spreads across his face before he grabs the tray placing it in the oven. He walks over to the table after setting the timer to fifteen minutes on the oven. He pulls out the seat opposite me. His smile never wavering. “So?”

“So what?” I play dumb.

“Oh, Sophia you know what I’m talking about but I’ll ask it again. Does a test drive hold no appeal to you?” he says, adding a wink before chuckling.

With my face probably a crimson red now I answer, “I’ll be honest. It holds a slight appeal,” my voice barely above a whisper.

“Well, I’m glad you’re attracted to your husband,” he teases.

“I never said I was attracted to you. Maybe I want to check out the goods,” I tease right back, making his head fling back as laughter sounds through the kitchen.

“You can check out the goods whenever you like. They’re yours now for as long as you want them,” he tells me, which does nothing for the colouring of my skin.

“You mean that?” I ask, leaning my elbow on the table and resting my chin on my fist.

He takes my hand in his before saying, “Sophia, there’s no other woman and there will be no other woman. I’m all yours if you want me?”

“I want,” I softly reply, and I watch as his pupils dilate at my response.

He tugs on my hand before softly saying, “Come here.” I can’t resist, standing from my chair as he turns his around to face me, his legs wide. As I step around the table he leans forward and with the hand not holding mine, he grabs my butt lifting me effortlessly as I let out a squeal. He pulls me onto his lap, straddling him as my legs fall gently on the outside of his hips. He releases my hands to hold my hips and my hands fall to the base of his neck.

“I was in such a mood today when you left. The thought of not seeing you for a few days was horrible,” he tells me, which draws out my own honesty.

“I felt the same. As soon as the car drove away, this pit in my stomach formed and it didn’t disappear until I saw you again,” I admit, which has him smiling at my words. He smooths my hair out of my face with his palm.

“I’ll try to be the best husband Sophia,” he whispers, before his eyes stare into mine.

“I know,” I reply, knowing he speaks the truth. I don’t need to know much about Lorenzo to know he’s a good man, and in my life good men have been few and far between. His hand moves to my chin where he gently pinches it with his thumb and index finger pulling me towards him. I let him close the gap, wanting to feel his lips on mine. It starts off soft and tentative, but I want more. I squeeze my arms around his neck as my hips move forward. He releases a moan from deep in his throat as the hand on my hip tightens its grip there. His other hand wraps around my back, pulling me against his firm chest as his tongue tangles with mine. He gently bites my lower lip drawing my own moan out. The sharp ding of the oven doesn’t slow us until about a minute later when Lorenzo gently pulls away.
