Page 69 of All Of My Sundays

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It’s the third Sunday since we’ve gotten married, and my life couldn’t be happier. We’ve fallen into a routine that works for us. Sophia has taken up the role as receptionist at the auto shop and has been a godsend. I don’t know what I was thinking, trying to do it all myself. This week has been her first week at work and to spoil her I wanted to take her out to the carnival for our Sunday this week.

“Hey man, I’m taking Sophia out to the carnival that’s been going on in town. Did you wanna join us? Sophia’s gonna ask Ally too,” I tell Niko on the phone.

“Sounds good. I’ll meet you guys there. What time are you thinking?”

“I think around three or so.”

“Sweet. Text me.”

“Will do,” I tell him, before hanging up. Sophia walks into the kitchen where I’m seated at the table.

“Ally is in. What did Niko say?” she asks. I turn my chair towards her, holding my arms out. She walks between my outstretched legs without hesitation. It feels like everything between us is falling into place.

“He’s in too. He’ll meet us there around three,” I tell her, as I wrap my arms around her waist, drawing her closer. I rest my cheek against her stomach as she runs her hands through my hair. Closing my eyes, I revel in the feel of her hands on me. It may not seem like much, but I can’t get enough of her. I feel we are building a good foundation for our relationship and setting ourselves up for a happy life together. I want to see her face, so I turn my head to gaze up at her. She adjusts her hands and runs her thumb along my stubbly cheek.

“I’ve been meaning to shave,” I tell her, worried she doesn’t like it.

“It doesn’t bother me,” she says, her sweet smile meeting her eyes.

“Do you want to help me shave?” I ask, tilting my head, gauging her reaction.

“What? You want me to shave you?” she asks, as her wide eyes stare at me.

“Why not? We can make a first memory together.”

“What if I cut you?” she argues.

“I’ll heal. Come on,” I say, as I swiftly wrap my hands under her butt. Standing, I lift her into my arms with her wrapping her legs around me instinctively as she holds on to my shoulders. Her soothing laughter sounds and drags a smileacross my face. Sometimes it’s hard to believe my crazy plan worked.

I walk her into our small bathroom, placing her butt on the countertop. Her legs stay wrapped around me as she hooks one ankle over the other keeping me in her space. My heart jumps knowing she wants me close. I push the mirror, so it pops open and grab the shaving foam along with a new razor. Twisting the tap to hot I let the water run for it to heat up before plugging the sink. When it reaches halfway, I shut it off. Sophia watches me carefully.

“First, we apply foam to my whole face,” I tell her, grabbing one of her hands and squirting the white foam into her palm. Her glee is evident on her face by the smile shining at me. She pats the puff onto my cheek, releasing a giggle. She brings up her other hand to join in and starts massaging the product into my skin. I suck my top lip in so she can smooth it across my moustache. Concentration oozes from her as she focuses on the task at hand.

“Done,” she says, staring into my eyes.

Damn, I want to kiss her right now but with all this foam on my face, I refrain.

“Next, take the razor and make gentle strokes going the same way as the hair growth. We do that all over and then can go against the grain after if we need to,” I direct her, handing over the razor. She slips the plastic cover off the green and white razor and dips it in the hot water waiting in the sink. A crease forms between her eyes as she concentrates and runs the razor down my cheek. My eyes track hers as she glides the sharp razor feather light against my skin. She strokes then cleans the blade moving to the next patch of hair and repeats. I lift my chin for her to reach under it. She nicks me causing a wince.

“Sorry,” she says, her own eyes crinkling.

“It’s fine. I cut myself all the time. Keep going,” I encourage. She shakes the blade in the water before continuing with her movements. I pull my top lip in again so she can shave the hair there and keep my eyes on hers. Mesmerised by her expression.

She smiles before saying, “You’re staring.”

“And you’re beautiful,” I say, as she finishes with that patch of skin. The rosy red flushes across her skin in a wave. She drops the razor in the sink, and I stretch behind her to grab the towel hanging there. My eyes remain on her as I wipe the excess product from my face. Her eyes flick to my lips as the towel drops to the floor. Her arms wrap around me, and I can’t hold back any longer. I press my lips against hers as my eyes close. My hands find her waist as her lips part. She moans against my mouth, and it fuels me on, exploring her. Her arms pull me closer still as her legs tighten.

Her hands move into my hair, and I pull her body closer, not able to get enough of her. As I taste her a moan releases and with it the realisation my hunger for her will never be satiated. She releases my mouth and I trail open mouth kisses down her throat as she gasps for air.

“Renzo,” she moans, as my lips glide against her soft skin. Her back arches, lifting her body higher into my reach. My lips trail along the silky freckled skin of her neck, lavishing her collarbone. Hooking a finger under the spaghetti strap of her singlet and bra, I lower it slowly over her shoulder, pulling another moan out of her as her thighs tighten around me seeking friction. My lips follow her beautiful trail of spots to her shoulder, kissing the skin as they lower. My hands glide up her body, cupping her breasts to bring the top of one to meet me. The supple skin draws into my mouth as I suck until the skin bruises leaving my mark.

The ringing of my phone distracts me, but I ignore it until Sophia’s laugh draws my lips away from my skin.

“Answer your phone Lorenzo,” she says, laughter in her voice. I pull my phone out of my back pocket, staring down at the bruise I’ve left on her breast feeling a male urge of possessiveness run through me. Sophia’s finger presses under my chin, lifting my gaze to her amused expression. “Answer the phone,” she tells me again, giggling. I press answer before placing the phone to my ear.

“You’re interrupting Niko.” My grumpy voice causes Sophia to laugh more.

His loud laugh rains through the phone, “Sorry to be a cock block but could you pick me up on the way, my car isn’t starting. I’ll have to get you to check it out on Monday at the shop.”
