Page 71 of All Of My Sundays

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“Which one is that?” Lorenzo asks.

“The one where you’re strapped in, and you get spun around the circle really fast. It's like a fast hamster wheel,” she explains, causing my eyes to bulge.

“Umm I might skip that one,” I tell them.

“Yeah, me too,” Lorenzo says, squeezing my hand.

“I’m game to go on it Ally since these two are chicken,” Niko tells her, causing us all to laugh.

“Well how about we split up and you two daredevils go on all the extreme rides, and we can meet up at the Century Wheel in say two hours?” Lorenzo suggests.

“Yeah, it sounds like a plan. Niko?” Ally asks.

“Yep, I’m in,” he tells her. Niko steps up to the ticket booth paying for his and Ally’s tickets before she can stop him, and Lorenzo pays for ours.

“See you guys soon,” Ally calls out, as she runs off with Niko hot on her tail.

“Come on, let's find something less extreme,” Lorenzo says, pulling me in the opposite direction. He holds my hand pulling me through the crowds of people. We come to a covered area, and he pulls me into the line, making me stand in front of him. He rests his chin on my shoulder from behind as we watch the bumper cars crash into each other. We wait behind the railing as others join the line behind us. Lorenzo sticks to my back and I find his presence relaxes me.

The buzzer sounds for the end of the round and the cars stop. People unbuckle and then quickly exit. The attendant counts us through as we pass her and rush off to find a car each. Lorenzo jumps in a green one while I find a yellow car behind him. I slip into the seat, buckling myself in. The attendant’s voice calls over the sound system reminding us all to buckle up and then the buzzer sounds to start us off. I press my foot down on the accelerator in hot pursuit of Lorenzo. I thought because I chose a car behind him, I’d have the upper hand but with all his years of being around cars I’d forgotten what a skilled driver he is, even if it is a bumper car. He manoeuvres around others while I track him, but I keep getting slammed into by other people.

As I’m reversing, trying to get out of my current predicament with two cars having pinned me in, I catch sight of Lorenzo’s green car coming straight for me head on. His laughing face is what I see before his car makes contact, causing me to rock in my seat.

“I’ll get you for that Renzo,” I yell, which makes him reverse then accelerate back into me. My own laughs fill the air as he yells to me.

“Do your worst Soph,” he screams, before he reverses and speeds away. Well as fast as he can in a bumper car. I try to keep up with him, but strangers keep crashing into me and I lose sight of him. The buzzer sounds and I unbuckle as I look around for him. His smug smile greets me as he chucks his arm around my shoulders, pulling my head towards him as he kisses my temple. “That was fun.”

“I thought I was gonna get you as soon as it started but you took off like your bumper car had NOS under the hood,” I tell him, as we walk back outside into the open.

“Years of practice. Where do you wanna go now?”

“Could we find something to eat? I’m starving.”

“Sure. Do you feel like anything in particular? Savoury? Sweet?”

“Sweet. The answer is always sweet,” I tell him, drawing a chuckle out of him.

“No wonder you’re so sweet,” he says, pulling my head in again for another kiss.

I look up at him to see his beautiful smile as he gazes at me.

A light cough draws his eyes away and the smile drops, his hold around me tightens.

“Holden, Kennedy,” he says, causing my own smile to drop as I turn around to face my parents.

“Sophia, darling. It’s wonderful to see you here,” my mother says, leaning in to kiss my cheek so Lorenzo removes his arm from me. I lean into my mum, but I wave my hand behind me, searching for his touch, needing it to settle me. My heartbeat speeds up now my parents are in my presence.

“We were gonna do our normal walk around the carnival. We’d love it if you could join us,” my dad says, looking at me. Lorenzo squeezes my hand in support.

“We could spare a few minutes but then we want to go on all the rides,” I tell them.

“Sophia, we are still a family and so should act like one,” my dad chastises. I’m pulled behind Lorenzo so fast, I trip over my own feet before he rights me.

“She said she would give you a few minutes. Either take it or leave it but I won’t be having you talk to my soon to be wife like that again,” Lorenzo says, keeping his voice low and directed at my dad. My wide eyes bounce between the pair as my mum’s do the same.

“Fine. Thank you for sparing a few minutes of your time,” my dad concedes, causing Lorenzo to relax his stance although his grip on my wrist remains tight.

“You’re welcome,” he grunts. He loosens his hold on my wrist and links our fingers together. My parents walk in front, and we follow behind. Lorenzo bends to whisper in my ear.
