Page 80 of After the Storm

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I’ll bring the milk, just in case she needs a cup for later.



* * *

Presley was leaving in a few weeks, so I was getting in as much time with her as I could. I’d survived another Sunday night dinner with endless jokes about milk and all of them giving me a hard time.

I’d taken on a new attitude about the whole thing. I was going to enjoy it while it lasted, and I’d deal with the ramifications later.

I was still being careful where Gracie was concerned, though we spent a lot of time together with all three of us. Presley didn’t spend the night at my home with my daughter there, and we weren’t affectionate in front of her either.

As far as Gracie knew, Presley was a friend who was visiting. I’d made it very clear that she’d be leaving.

We pulled up to Georgia and Maddox’s house, as they’d invited Gracie over to teach her how to play pickleball. That was much safer than horse jumping, which was her new obsession, so I would push pickleball even if Georgia was crazed over the sport.

“Daddy, can I still ride Sally after Presley goes back to her home?” my daughter asked as we pulled into the long driveway in front of their house. I still had a headache from this morning, as Maxine had been escaping from her playpen lately, and she’d made a mess in Gracie’s bedroom. It was time for her to go back home, but the Langleys were avoiding my calls. I’d deal with that this week.

“We’ll see. I’ll talk to Presley and ask if she has anyone she can recommend to continue your lessons.”

“I want to be a real horse girl like Presley. I want to learn how to jump with Sally.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose at the thought. It was difficult enough for me to see her on top of an animal that had the capacity to throw her off and hurt her. But I trusted Presley. And the truth was, I didn’t think there was anyone else that I’d be comfortable with to continue her lessons. Reese had offered, and of course, I trusted her, but she was pregnant, and Finn was a ridiculously protective dude when it came to his wife. He didn’t want her riding right now, and I knew they’d argued over it many times, so I wasn’t going to push it.

“Maybe when you are a lot older. Jumping over things on horses is for much bigger people. But I think you’re going to love pickleball.”

“But Presley could teach me.” Her little hand was in mine as we walked up the path to the front door.

I turned around and looked at her. “She’s not going to be here that much longer. Let’s just stick with the lessons that we have left and get used to sitting on a horse before we start jumping over things, all right?”

“Okay. I’m going to be the bestest at pickleball, Daddy. I promise.”

Jesus. Now I felt like a total ass cracker. I didn’t give a shit if she was good at pickleball. I just didn’t want her sitting on a horse and jumping over things. No fucking thank you. I’d prefer if she just stayed home and colored, if I was being honest. I’d been working on something for Presley that I knew Gracie would enjoy, as well. So, in a way, it was for the two of them.

When the door opened, Georgia was wearing a pink tennis skirt and a white sweater, and she held up a matching outfit for a child, which was clearly for Gracie.

“Are you ready to learn from the best?” my sister asked, and I rolled my eyes as Maddox barked out a laugh.

“I love it!” Gracie squealed and took off with my sister down the hall.

“Does she need an outfit for everything?” I asked, as I followed Maddox into the kitchen and set her backpack on the counter.

“I think your sister has had baby fever ever since Reese got pregnant,” he said with a laugh. “And damn if I don’t want to put a bunch of babies in her.”

“Dude. No. This is not a conversation I’m having with you.” I gave him a warning look. “Sex with my sister is never a conversation we’re going to have.”

He put his hands up and laughed before moving to the refrigerator and grabbing two bottles of water. He set one in front of me as I dropped onto the barstool.

“What are you going to do with the afternoon off?”

“I’ve got to run by Duncan Ranch. Presley and I will take the horses out for a ride and give them some exercise.” I didn’t look at him because I could feel him assessing me.
