Page 91 of After the Storm

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“Hi, baby girl,” I said as I ran my fingers through her pretty curls. She smelled like strawberries and sweetness today, and I freaking loved it. “Dr. Jake, this is Gracie and her father, Dr. Reynolds.”

Jake extended his hand to Cage, who was still frowning and looked like he wanted to punch the guy in the face.

“Hey, nice to meet you both. Dr. Reynolds, you’ve been covering for me until I got here, huh?” Dr. Jake said, clearly not great at reading the room because he didn’t seem to notice how agitated Cage was when he pulled his hand away abruptly.

“Yes. You must be the new guy.” Cage folded his arms over his chest.

“I don’t know. I’ve been called the good guy most of my life,” Dr. Jake said, with a wink in my direction, and I chuckled along with him. A deep growl left Cage’s throat, which only made the whole situation funnier.

“Good for you. Let’s hope you can take better care of these animals than the last guy did.”

“Not a doubt in my mind. I’m on it. And how old are you, Gracie?” He turned his attention to her, and Cage stepped closer because he couldn’t help but be protective at all times.

“I’m five years old, but I’ll be six years old really soon. Presley and me ride together almost every day.”

“Yeah? Well, when she heads back to New York next week, I’d be happy to take over for her so you can keep coming out to the ranch and riding.” Jake smiled, and I knew he meant well, but Cage narrowed his gaze at the man like he’d just committed a crime.

“That won’t be necessary. I’ll be continuing her lessons.” His voice was harsh, and Jake nodded before taking a step back.

“All right, then. You all have a good lesson. Presley, I’ll come find you before I leave.” He winked again, and I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing at the way Cage was glaring at the man who seemed completely unaware.

I set Gracie down, and she took off running toward Sally’s stall.

“I don’t like him,” Cage said, keeping his voice low.

“Really? I couldn’t tell.”

“Why the fuck is he called Dr. Jake? I’m assuming that’s his first name.”

“He likes it. It’s less formal.”

“It’s stupid,” he said, running a hand over the scruff on his jaw.

“You’re just finding any reason not to like him, aren’t you?”

He glanced over at me. “That fucker’s eyes were all over you. And then he tried kissing up to my daughter to win some points with you.”

“I was standing in front of him. Where else would his eyes be?”

“Trust me. It’s a dude thing. He wants you.”

“You know you’re ridiculous, right? He’s married and has a baby on the way.”

“So he says.” He stopped in front of the stall.

“He showed me a picture of his beautiful wife, and he’s already requested time off when she has the baby. Take it down a notch, Cowboy. You seem a little jealous.” I smacked him on the ass playfully before walking past him to help Gracie get saddled up.

The next hour was spent with me working with Gracie and Sally. Cage went to talk with Dr. Jake about the horses. Hopefully, he’d ease up now that he knew he was married.

“She likes the sound of your voice,” I said.

“How do you know?” Gracie asked.

“I can tell by the way her head moves the slightest bit every time you speak. She loves you.”

“I love her. I hope Daddy lets me keep coming after you leave.”

“I think he will. And your barn will be done soon, so I’ll bet you’ll get a horse of your own.”
