Page 95 of After the Storm

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Hey, can I just throw something out there regarding Presley?

I’d expect nothing less. I asked to stop talking about it, and you want to ask more questions. Shocker. Fire away.


What if you guys have two homes? You live half the time in New York and half the time here? Like Lincoln and I do?

You don’t have children. Gracie can’t be attending school on two coasts. She needs stability. And I don’t even know that Presley wants this package deal. We don’t talk about the future because we know this is temporary. She’s looking forward to going back to her life, and it’s one that we don’t fit into. So, no sense in pushing something that won’t work and setting myself up for rejection.


Let me noodle on this.

Please don’t. Let me enjoy my last two days with her, and then you can all analyze the hell out of me after.


We’ll be at your house with a case of beer, and you can wallow as much as you want to, all right?


We got you, brother.


You know alcohol is a depressant. He’ll feel worse the next day.


That’s kind of the point. You get loaded. Feel worse. Wallow. And then move on.

Great. Looking forward to a miserable week. I have to go. One of Mr. Wigglestein’s baby mamas is ready to give birth.


It’s the circle of life. It makes me emotional.

For fuck’s sake.


So deep, Finny.


You are all over the place lately.


It must be the pregnancy hormones. You know I’m having a baby, right?

I barked out a laugh, which was probably why he said it. I turned off my phone and got back to work. My siblings were good at dragging shit up that I didn’t want to think about.

No sense in getting worked up now. Time was ticking, and I would deal with the repercussions later.

* * *

We’d finished dinner, and Presley sat on the bathroom floor with me while Gracie splashed in the tub. Tomorrow night, Gracie was going to sleep at my parents’ house so we could spend our final night alone together.
