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"Your parents would be so proud of you," I tell him. "Of the father and husband you've become."

Ash smiles, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "All thanks to you, Gem. You helped me become the man I was meant to be."

My heart flutters at his words. I crane my neck up, seeking his lips. Ash meets me in a tender kiss.

"Eww!" Bear shrieks, interrupting us. Laughter rumbles through Ash's chest.

Willow toddles over on unsteady feet. I sweep her up in my arms, blowing raspberries on her round belly. Her delighted giggles fill the air.

Ash tosses Bear over his shoulder, the boy's gleeful shouts echoing across the mountainside.

I smile as I watch Ash play with Bear and Willow. Our family is everything I've ever wanted.

After a few more minutes of laughter and chasing, Ash comes over and sits beside me on the picnic blanket, the kids toddling after him.

"The new cabins are really coming along," he says. "Cypress and Everest have been working nonstop. I think folks are gonna love them."

I nod, picturing the cozy, rustic-chic cabins we've been building the last few months. They have all the amenities of a luxury resort while maintaining the natural mountain charm.

“Adding more family-friendly options was a great idea,” I say. “The outdoor play areas have been a big hit with the kids."

"And the adults are loving the spa cabins," Ash adds with a grin.

I laugh. "Very true. We've got something for everyone now."

Ash pulls me against him again. "Who would've thought a big ol' mountain man like me would end up running a glamping resort?"

"Hey, you make an excellent glamping manager," I tease. "Just the right mix of rugged wilderness knowledge and appreciation for fine linens."

Ash chuckles, his beard tickling my neck.

"We did good, Gem," he says softly. "Really good."

I nestle into Ash's sturdy embrace, feeling contentment wash over me. From this vantage point on the mountainside, I can see our glamping resort sprawling out before us. The new family-friendly cabins are bustling with activity - kids playing on theswings and slides while parents relax on the expansive front porches.

Further down, I spot the luxury spa cabins, with guests wrapped in plush robes strolling to and from their private hot tubs. The original glamping tents that started it all are fully booked, too, with couples cozying up next to crackling fire pits.

It's everything I imagined when I first came up with the idea of opening a glamping resort here. And it's all because of the man whose arms are wrapped around me.

"I never could have done this without you," I say, turning to face Ash. His blue eyes radiate warmth.

"Sure you could've," he rumbles in that deep voice. "I just sped things up a bit."

I shake my head. "No, I mean it. You believed in me. You taught me how to live out here, how to earn people's trust." I run my fingers through his beard. "I wouldn't have made it a month without you."

Ash presses his forehead to mine. "You got guts, Gem. More than anyone I ever met. All I did was give you some mountain know-how."

"Well, I'm glad you shared your mountain magic with me," I whisper.

Ash tilts my chin up and kisses me deeply. When we finally break apart, breathless, he gazes at me with pure love in his eyes.

"You're the real magic on this mountain, Gem. You and our family we've built here." His voice is gruff with emotion. "I thank my lucky stars for you every damn day."

I blink back happy tears and pull him in for another long, lingering kiss. We built this wonderland in the wilderness together. And together is how we'll continue growing it, side by side, for all of our tomorrows.

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