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"Just trying to figure out her next move," I grunt into my glass. "She's always plotting something."

“Uh-huh, sure," Forest chuckles. "That's why you look like a lovesick puppy."

I scowl at my brothers. "I'm not lovesick. I'm strategizing. She's a threat to our business."

"Seems like the only threat is to your heart," Birch teases.

I drain my whiskey in one long swallow, the burn steadying me. "You're both delusional. I'm going to get another drink."

As I make my way further down the bar, Gemma glances up, and our eyes lock. Something hot and primal flickers through meat the challenge in her emerald gaze. I can't look away, trapped in this silent battle of wills.

Maybe my brothers are right. Maybe the only way to exorcise this obsession is to give in and take her hard and fast right here on the bar. Clear the air and settle this escalating tension once and for all.

I weave through the now-crowded bar; my eyes fixed on Gemma as I make my way back to my brothers. Her chestnut hair cascades over her shoulders in silky waves, and her green eyes flash with determination as she points out details on the paperwork.

I’m almost tempted to walk over there and talk to her, but Everest puts a hand on my shoulder, halting me. "Whoa there, brother. Where are you rushing off to so intently?"

I tense, resisting the urge to shrug off his grip. "Just going over to make sure Gemma understands this is our land she's developing on."

Cypress shakes his head. "Don't start something you'll regret, Ash. I don’t like her resort any more than you do, but Miss Wells has been reasonable so far. Maybe we can all prosper together."

I snort derisively, my hands clenching into fists. "She's trying to take over everything with her fancy ideas. We can't just let her walk all over us. It only takes one successful resort before more will come. We can’t risk that.”

Everest's calm voice cuts through my rising anger. "Change is coming whether we like it or not. We can adapt and grow together or get left behind fighting the inevitable."

I scowl but feel my shoulders loosen slightly at his wisdom. Gemma chooses that moment to glance over again, raising her glass in a mocking salute. A grudging respect for her tenacity wars with my frustration. She's committed to her vision; I’ll give her that.

"Maybe this doesn't have to be an all-out war," I concede reluctantly. "But I'm still keeping an eye on her."

Everest claps my back. "There now. No need for rash actions. We'll figure this out as a family."

I nod, the familiar steadiness of my brothers tempering my churning emotions. As I meet Gemma's gaze again, a new awareness simmers beneath the surface. This fiery woman intrigues me despite my resistance. Perhaps there are other ways to settle our clash of wills.

Forest's teasing voice breaks through my contemplation. "Maybe you need to get this little rivalry out of your system, big brother. I bet she's a real hellcat behind closed doors."

He waggles his eyebrows suggestively as my other brothers chuckle.

I feel my face flush. "This isn't about anything like that," I growl. "I'm trying to protect our family's livelihood here."

But even as I say it, my eyes stray back to Gemma. She's animatedly going over expansion plans with her assistant, eyes shining with excitement. I can't look away from her.

After another round of drinks, liquid courage courses through me again. Abruptly, I push back my chair and stand up, swaying slightly.

"I'm going to talk to her," I declare stubbornly. "Make my position clear."

My brothers exchange knowing glances, but I ignore them and stride across the bar, determination in every step.



Iglance up from our work documents, startled to see Ash suddenly standing over my table. He towers above me, his muscular frame casting shadows across the polished wood. I've never been this close to him before. His beard is thicker up close, his eyes a piercing blue-gray.

My pulse quickens as our eyes lock. An involuntary shiver runs through me under his intense gaze. I'm startled by my body's reaction to his proximity. Get a grip, Gemma. I force myself to speak.

"Can I help you with something?" I ask pointedly, arching an eyebrow.

He shifts his weight, looking uncharacteristically uncertain. "Mind if I join you for a minute?" His voice is a low rumble.
