Page 59 of Undercover Desires

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“It’s Alessandro,” I manage to say between sobs. “He’s a fucking Ricci. He was at the club, not his dad.”

Sophie’s eyes widen as she connects the dots, and she shakes her head in disbelief. I had just mustered up the courage a couple of days ago to tell her about my secret lover who I had undeniably started falling for. The weight of my revelation hangs heavy in the room, and I know that I need to share the painful truth with my friend.

After pouring my heart out and explaining everything to Sophie, I finally muster the courage to ask if I can stay over. She doesn’t hesitate and quickly offers me solace. With a kind and understanding smile, she heads to the bathroom to run a warm bath for me. My world has fallen apart.

I step into the inviting bathtub. The warm embrace of the water provides a small measure of comfort, but I need to focus and face the harsh reality of my situation.

I know what I must do now. I have to find Nicola Moreno, the man who started all this fucking chaos. He is the linchpin in all of this, and the sooner I can get rid of him, the quicker I can move on to the next phase of my plan, one that will hopefully bring me some closure and peace.

The warm water eases the tension in my muscles, and my thoughts drift to the past, retracing the steps that led me to this moment.

I remember the first time I met Alessandro, his smile and charisma drawing me in. How could I have been so fucking stupid?

My mother’s memory has always been a guiding light in my life, a beacon of strength. She had warned me about the dangers of getting too close to the mafia. Now, I can’t help but feel the weight of her disappointment in me.

As I step out of the bath, the warm embrace of a fluffy towel envelops me, and I feel a renewed sense of determination. Sophie has left a fresh change of clothes for me, and as I slip into them, I can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for her unwavering support.

We sit down in the cozy living room, the soft glow of the fireplace casting a warm ambiance in the room. I tell Sophie about my plan to find Nicola Moreno and how it’s a crucial step toward ending this nightmare. She listens intently, her expression a mix of concern and determination.

“I’ll help you in any way I can. You know I always have,” Sophie assures me. “We’ll get through this together.”

The late hours of the night are spent in deep conversation, as we strategize and plan our next moves. The weight of my mission feels lighter with Sophie by my side.

As the night progresses, I feel restless. Sophie insists that I get some sleep. She sets up a bed for me in a spare room. I just lie there for hours. My mind is reeling with Alessandro, Moreno, my mother, Dante and everything I did. I dirtied my hands with blood I will never be able to wash away. My mind feels crowded by these thoughts, nagging at me like relentless buzzing, poisonous, bees. They sting me, wounding my conscience and making my heart ache. Enduring this pain, my body begins to feel like an empty vessel of sorrow, and my mind slowly finds the peace of a few hours of unconsciousness, allowing me to finally sleep.

The following days are a whirlwind of investigation and preparation. Sophie and I work tirelessly to uncover any leads that might help us locate Nicola Moreno. We dig through records, follow any potential trails, and reach out to contacts who might have information about his whereabouts.

We know that we need to be careful, aware that the Cosa Nostra’s eyes are always watching. I am not too sure how safe I will be, or for how long, now that Alessandro knows my identity. I compromised everything. The thought of facing Moreno, of confronting Alessandro, or his father sends shivers down my spine, but I know it’s a path I must walk.

Each day brings me closer to my goal, and as the pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place, I can feel the tension in my chest slowly easing. With each breakthrough, my resolve to bring my mother’s killer to justice grows stronger.

I keep my distance from Alessandro, biding my time and waiting for the right moment to strike. The anger and betrayal still burn within me, but I’ve learned to channel those emotions into my revenge.

It is what I have always done anyway.



I enter the club, trembling with anger and frustration. The world around me pulses with the rhythmic beat of the music, but my thoughts are a chaotic swirl of emotions. I immediately run into Giulio. He senses my unease and concern and asks if I’m okay.

“Yes, I need to leave,” I reply, my voice laced with urgency. “The other underbosses are still in the club. Find Pietro and finish the meeting with them. I want to be briefed as soon as you get back.”

Giulio looks at me with a hint of concern in his eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

I snap at him, my patience wearing thin. “Just do as I say, Giulio.Cazzo!I need to go.” The need to escape this chaotic environment and clear my mind is overwhelming.

As I make my way through the crowded club, I’m on the lookout for my driver. I can feel someone approaching me, a woman in a bright pink minidress. It’s clear why she’s approaching, but I brush her off, not in the mood for any distractions.

Finally, I spot my driver, leaning against the bar and smoking a cigarette. I walk over to him, my tone firm. “Take me home. Now.”

“Of course,Capo,” he replies, and we quickly make our way out of the club.

As I sit in the back of the car, I replay the events of the evening in my mind. The puzzle of Rachel’s true identity gnaws at me. How had I never realized she was the assassin? How had no one noticed? We had been searching for a six-foot, well-trained military man, and it turned out to be this petite woman, barely five feet five inches tall. The irony is not lost on me.

I run a hand through my hair, the frustration and anger simmering within me. But what baffles me the most is Rachel’s claim about avenging her mother. I need answers, and I need them immediately.

The city lights blur outside the car window as we speed toward my destination.
