Page 54 of Wolf Arranged

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Lincoln looked around the cavern. “Sawyer and I used to stay here a lot. It’s harder now that we’re older and have certain responsibilities.”

He grasped my hands and took me to a part of the wall that had a large piece jutting out like a bench. He sat down, and I took the seat next to him. “We can come out here when we want to get out of the room. No one will bother us.”

I drew in a deep breath and let it out. It smelled like both Lincoln and Sawyer in here. Plus the usual mossy, earthy smells. “It’s nice here.”

Lincoln let go of my hand and turned around. He pulled out something that looked like a fish tackle box and opened it. He mumbled to himself as he rummaged through it.

I leaned closer to him so I could see into the box and knitted my brows together. “What’s that?” It was a bunch of pills in little baggies. “Are you some sort of drug dealer?”

“No.” He took out a bag that was filled to the top and opened it, and then he handed me two light-blue pills that looked familiar, along with a bottle of water. “Take these.”

I took the pills from him, met his eyes, and then looked back down at the medicine. Understanding washed over me. Suppressants. I popped them into my mouth and chugged a few big drinks from the bottle.

I gulped down a few more drinks and set the bottle down next to me. “How did you get these?”

Lincoln looked at his hands. “Dad let us know a while ago his plans for Sawyer and me to procreate. You and Willa are the first set of women, at least for us. We started preparing, assuming that the women would be equally unhappy with the arrangements as us.” He stared at the suppressants. “There are other women here, but we’ve never seen them to even have the chance to offer these. They’re kept in the enforcers’ barracks.”

“It looks like you have more than suppressants.” I sat up straighter and peered into the box.

“We have emergency bags and medicine for a just-in-case scenario.”

“You mean like you have to run for your life?” I swallowed hard.

“Yeah. The road is not too far from here. The plan would be to stop here and grab our things, assuming we have the time, and then hit the road. We have a car stashed not too far away.”

I wiped my palms on my pants and gaped at him. “Wow. You’ve thought this through.”

He gave me a cocky grin. “Of course we have. We test drive the car every so often too to make sure it runs. We were serious when we said we were going to stop our father.”

I took another glance around the cave. They were prepared. “We just need everything to fall into place.”

He squeezed my hand. “It will.”

Howling in the distance made me cock my head to the side. Lincoln’s eyes narrowed, and he stood and walked to the opening.

I followed him. The howling grew louder. We shouldn’t even hear it as far away as we were. Not to mention the running water and the cave. But we did.

Lincoln dropped down to his knees. “That can’t be good.”

He crawled out, leaving me to scamper out after him.

We made quick work of climbing back down and over the rocks.

“Can you run as fast in your human form as your wolf?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“I want to get back, and I don’t want anyone to see you naked. The whole pack is outside, and I’m afraid I know why.”

A lump lodged in my throat. “Why?” I whispered.

Lincoln raked his fingers through his hair. “My dad’s probably back, and I’d guess he’s not alone.”

“Let’s go.” My mouth went dry. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled, and a cold chill zipped down my spine.

“This way.” He didn’t wait for me to respond before taking off in the direction we’d come.

I charged after him, my heart leaping into my throat while beating a million miles a minute.
