Page 81 of Wolf Arranged

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He grasped my hand and pulled it toward him. Blood gushed from a long, jagged cut almost the length of my palm where the glass had dug into.

I pulled my hand out of his grasp. “It’s not that bad. A shift will heal it.”

Lincoln huffed and zipped his laptop bag shut. He took the messenger strap and put it over his head so the bag hung from one shoulder. “We need to leave now. He’ll go after Willa again, and Mikey won’t take kindly to two women kicking his butt when he wakes up.”

Willa sucked in a deep breath and made a sound in the back of her throat. “He’s still alive?”

Lincoln shrugged. “Probably.”

He peered outside the window then opened it, worked the screen out, and threw it on the floor. “We need to go. Right now. When Mikey wakes up, it will be too late. He’ll have the whole pack searching for us.”

I met Lincoln at the window and shivered as icy air blew in. “Then we go now.”


Willa gaped at us,her gaze darting from me to Lincoln. “Out the window? Right now?”

Lincoln went to the bed and put his hand on Willa’s shoulder. “It will raise too many questions for us to walk out the front door. There are still guards posted around the house. Most of the pack is still distracted looking to the south for the rogue wolves. We go now, or we might lose our chance.”

Willa pushed to her feet and hobbled to the window. She gave me a small smile. “Ready when you are.”

I glanced out the window. It would be easy to slip into the woods. Getting to the ground might be harder from the second floor though.

I gazed at Willa. She was still in bad shape and barely able to stand on her own. She leaned one hand on the wall and held the other on her thigh. Her face had a fine sheen of sweat, and it was ghastly pale.

Lincoln zipped up his bag and hurried to us. “Sloane, you go out first. Willa next, and I’ll take up the rear.”

I nodded and ducked down, slipping out the window into the cool afternoon air. I put my hand against the siding and scooted far enough over for Willa to get out.

She cried out as she climbed through the window. Her face contorted when she had to lift her leg at an awkward angle.

I grasped her upper half and planted my feet on the shingles as I helped pull her through. She sat on the roof, panting, and I hurried back to the window and took the bag from Lincoln.

He climbed out and shifted to the edge of the roof, peeking over the edge. He looked both directions and then turned back to us. “I don’t see anyone out there. Sloane, I’ll lower you down first and then lower Willa so you can help her.”

Willa stuck her hand out. I took it and hauled her to her feet. She leaned heavily on me as we made our way to the edge. I helped her sit down again before turning to face Lincoln.

He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. “I got you.”

I pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. “I know.”

I dropped down to my knees and put my hands in his. Then slowly I scooted back until I was dangling from the second story. Lincoln shifted so I was as low as I could get.

I peeked down and bit my lip. It was still a long drop.

Lincoln looked over my shoulder. “On three. Okay?”

I nodded as I looked up at him, meeting his eyes.

He gave me a smile and a nod. “One, two, three.”

We let go of each other’s hands at the same time. I gasped in a deep breath as my stomach dropped, and I fell to the ground.

I landed on my feet and fell into a squat. My right leg protested. Pain shot up my limb, making me grimace.

I stood and blew out a breath, kicking my right foot out and then my left. No serious damage, just jammed my foot.

Lincoln looked down at me. “Ready for Willa?”
