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I feel a flush rising to my cheeks, a mix of anger and embarrassment. Vanessa is playing a game, dropping hints and watching for my reaction. I'm suddenly very aware of how little I know about Jake's past, and his relationship with her.

"Things change," I say, more to myself than to her.

"They do," she agrees, her gaze flicking towards Dex. "But some things always leave a trace. Remember that, Emma."

With that cryptic remark, she saunters off, leaving me with a whirlwind of thoughts. Her words are a mix of warning and challenge, and I can't shake the feeling that I'm missing a crucial piece of the puzzle – a piece that Vanessa, and maybe Jake, hold the key to.

Dex rejoins me, his expression grim. "You okay?"

I nod, though my mind is anything but settled. "Yeah, just... a lot to think about."

He gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze and then we both silently head back to our rooms. Thankfully I fall asleep almost instantly.



When I wake up in the morning, I find myself replaying Vanessa's words. Her insinuations about Jake gnaw at me, setting off bolts of jealousy. It's ridiculous. I'm usually more composed, but here I am, feeling like a high schooler with her first crush.

Rolling over, I press my face into the pillow. "Get a grip, Emma," I mutter to myself. I've dealt with trickier situations than this. A love triangle (or is it a square now?) in the middle of a biker club – it’s like a plot straight out of a daytime soap opera.

Sitting up, I swing my legs off the bed, a surge of determined energy coursing through me. I can't let Vanessa play puppeteer with my emotions. I need clarity from Jake. And Dex... well, he's another chapter of this bizarre story I'm living.

I freshen up, my reflection in the mirror showing a glimmer of my usual fire. Time to face this head-on. I’m Emma, a woman who chases after truth and stories, not someone who gets tangled up in mind games.

Walking into the clubhouse, I spot Jake across the room. He's all laughter and charisma, the life of the club. As our eyes meet, I feel that familiar pull towards him. It’s maddening.

Striding over, I keep my posture relaxed, but inside, my heart's a drumline. "Morning, Jake," I say, my tone is casual but with an undercurrent of determination. "We need to talk. Now."

He looks surprised but nods, leading us away from the curious glances of the club members. We find a quiet corner, the background noise of the clubhouse dimming to a soft hum.

"So, Vanessa made some interesting comments last night," I say, keeping my voice steady. No beating around the bush. "She hinted at... well, that there's still something going on between you two."

Jake’s expression shifts, a mix of annoyance and a touch of guilt crossing his rugged features. "Emma, whatever Vanessa said, it's just part of her drama. Yes, we have a history, but it's exactly that – history."

I study him for a moment, trying to read between the lines. "I believe you," I say slowly, "but I need to know where that leaves us."

He takes a deep breath, his eyes locking onto mine. "You and I, Emma, it's something new, something I'm still figuring out. But trust me, it has nothing to do with Vanessa."

A whirlwind of emotions rages inside me – relief, confusion, and a spark of hope. This is all uncharted territory for me, but if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s navigating through the unknown.

"Alright, Jake," I reply, a small smile playing on my lips. "Let's see where this goes."

Before I can say anything else, Dex appears, his usual easy smile in place. "Hey, Emma, ready to get some work done? I've got some stories for you."

Grateful for the distraction, I follow him, throwing a last glance at Jake. His gaze lingers on me, full of unspoken things.

As the day unfolds, I find myself caught in a dance of interactions with Jake and Dex. Each moment with Jake is charged with a tension that's both exciting and confusing. And Dex, with his playful banter and warmth, keeps drawing me in, making me laugh despite the chaos in my head.

Evening finds me back in my room, my notes spread out in front of me. I make some corrections and start drafting some sentences for my story. After working steadily for an hour, I decide to call it a night.

* * *

The followingday begins like all the others, clubhouse chatter and roaring engines, but I can’t shake off the nagging feeling that Vanessa’s words left in my head. Every time I see Jake laughing with the guys or just going about his business, my mind replays her insinuations, twisting my guts into knots.

I’m fiddling with my notepad when Dex sidles up to me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Hey, Emma, lost in thought?” His voice breaks through my brooding, a welcome distraction.

“Just thinking about the article,” I lie, offering him a half-smile. But he’s not buying it; Dex has an uncanny ability to read people.
