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Letting out a loud moan, he fills me with his seed.

As we reach our climax together, the world around us fades away. All that matters is this moment, this connection.

We stay wrapped in each other's arms for a time, just taking it all in.

"We should probably make an appearance before people start to wonder where we are," I say reluctantly. Jake nods and helps me off the bike.

I get dressed, give him a kiss, and step out of the garage, feeling like I'm walking on air. My mind is still reeling from the intensity of what just happened. Jake and I, we're in this now, whateverthisis.

But as I head back into the clubhouse, reality comes crashing back. I still have a story to write, and there are still so many unanswered questions about the club and about the people in it.

And then there's Dex. I can't deny there's something brewing between us, too. It’s different from what I feel for Jake and Liam, but it’s there, undeniable.

I’m treading on dangerous ground.

* * *

After my encounter with Jake,my heart's still a runaway train, but as I step back into the bustle of the clubhouse, reporter mode kicks in. I can't afford to lose sight of why I'm here – the story, their stories, beneath the leather and roaring engines.

The clubhouse is alive with its usual rhythm when an unexpected arrival shifts the atmosphere. A biker, someone I haven't seen before, pulls in. A hushed silence filled with tension falls among the members.

I watch from a distance. Who is he, and why does his arrival seem to stir the waters?

Jake strides over to meet the newcomer, their conversation low and serious. I try to read their expressions, and the body language, but it's like a coded dance. Something important is unfolding, and I can’t figure out what.

"Dex," I call out, as he passes by. "Who's the new guy?"

Dex pauses, following my gaze. "Out-of-towner. Club business," he replies shortly. He doesn’t say anything else, but the tightness in his voice speaks volumes.

My instincts scream out that there's a story here. But as Dex's eyes meet mine, there's a warning in them, a silent plea to stay out of it. I nod, understanding the unspoken boundaries.

The rest of the day passes in a whirl of interviews and notes, but my mind keeps drifting back to that exchange. The mystery of the Angel Riders MC deepens, and with each passing day, my connection to this world grows stronger.

As evening descends, I find myself reflecting on Valentine's Day, which was just around the corner. In the midst of this chaotic world, the idea of doing something normal like picking out gifts felt both alien and grounding. What would you even get for men like Jake, Liam, and Dex?

Later, in the solitude of my room, the day’s events replay in my mind. The encounter with Jake had left a lasting impression, a mix of exhilaration and confusion. He was so much older than me. Did that really matter though?

And then there was the newcomer, and the quiet tension his arrival had brought. The pieces of a larger puzzle were slowly coming together, but the picture remains unclear.

Lying in bed, the clubhouse's distant hums in the background, I can't help but feel like I'm getting sucked deeper into this whole Angel Riders world. It's not just about digging up a juicy story anymore. It's about the real people in it – their secrets, their struggles, their crazy loyalty to each other. And somehow, without even realizing it, I've become a part of their story too. It's wild, a bit scary, but also... a little thrilling.

I switch off the light, bathing the room in shadows. The soft murmur of the clubhouse in the night is a reminder of the world just beyond my door—a world pulling me deeper into its embrace with every passing day.

* * *

Valentine's Dayat a biker club – who would've thought it'd be a thing? But here I am, surrounded by leather and tattoos, thinking of what to get for Jake, Liam, and Dex. It's like I've jumped into some romance novel, except it's my life.

I wander around the clubhouse, watching the guys prepare for the big Valentine's event at the orphanage. The air is buzzing with an infectious excitement. I smile as I look at them working away and find myself flipping through gift options again.

For Jake, something strong and meaningful. Maybe a book of classic poetry? He’s got this thoughtful side that's totally swoon-worthy. Liam was trickier. He's deep, a thinker. A vintage journal, maybe? Something he can scribble his thoughts in. And Dex, he's all fun and adventure. I'm thinking a graphic novel or a quirky gadget. Something that'll make him laugh.

I'm lost in thought when Dex saunters over, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Whatcha thinking about so hard, Emma?" he asks, leaning in close.

I laugh, trying to sound nonchalant. "Oh, just Valentine's Day stuff. You guys really go all out for it."

Dex grins. "It's a big deal for us. Giving back, spreading some love. It's not all tough guy stuff here." He winks, and my heart does a little skip.

"Yeah, I'm starting to see that," I reply, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks.
