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Dex approaches me once we're alone again, his expression unreadable.

"They wanted assurances," he says simply. "Assurances we're not going to retaliate after... what happened."

"And are we?" My curiosity isn't just professional now; it's personal.

"We're walking a thin line," he admits.

The clubhouse suddenly feels like a sanctuary and a cage all at once. I swallow hard, feeling my throat tighten with unspoken questions about loyalty and violence—about how far this club will go and how deep I've sunk into their world.

Dex reaches out, his hand resting gently on my arm. "I was wrong about you needing to leave."

His touch anchors me amidst the chaos of thoughts swirling in my head. "You were?"

"Yeah." He takes a deep breath, looking around the clubhouse before meeting my gaze again. "You'd be safer staying here with us."

Relief floods through me, mingled with an undeniable thrill. Safe within these walls—within his arms—I realize how much I've come to rely on Dex's strength and kindness in this wild place.

"Okay," I whisper back, my voice steady despite the storm inside me. "I'll stay."



The sun's up, but my mind's still in a whirlwind from yesterday. Lying in bed, I can't help but replay every moment. Jake's rugged face, wounded yet so strong, keeps flashing in my mind. But there's a niggling thought, poking me – he's older, way more experienced in this crazy life. Age is just a number, right? But somehow, it feels like a hurdle I can't just jump over.

I toss the covers aside, restless. Liam's been on my mind too, with his brainy charm and those deep, thoughtful eyes. Our chats? They're like mental workouts, leaving me both exhilarated and intrigued. And Dex, Mr. Sunshine with his jokes and easy-going vibe, not to mention his huge…always knows how to lighten the mood.

Man, this is so not what I signed up for. Falling for not just one, but three guys? And all so... different. Is this normal? I’ve read about stuff like this in books, but real life? That’s another story.

I need some air, to clear this jumble in my head. Slipping into my jeans and a tee, I decide to find Liam. He's usually buried in a book this time of day, and right now, I could use a dose of his calm logic.

Stepping out of my room, I head towards the clubhouse's common area. Time to dive into this thing with Liam. Maybe he's got some wise words to make sense of this emotional chaos I'm in. Or at least, give me a distraction with his brainy talk.

"Morning, Liam," I find him easily, his nose in a book, as expected. "Got room for one more in your world of words?"

Liam looks up, a smile lighting up his face, making him look less like a club strategist and more like a guy you'd meet in a college library. "Always," he says, patting the seat next to him. "What's on your mind, Emma?"

I plop down beside him, pulling my knees up to my chest. "Just... stuff. You know, the usual chaos that's become my life."

He closes his book, giving me his full attention. "The 'usual chaos' seems to be a bit more chaotic these days."

I let out a laugh, half-hearted but genuine. "You could say that. I mean, with Jake in the hospital, the club in turmoil, and... well, my own tangled feelings."

Liam nods, his expression turning thoughtful. "It's a lot to handle for anyone, especially when your heart's pulled in different directions."

I sigh, feeling a bit exposed under his perceptive gaze. "Yeah, about that. It's weird. I'm here for a story, but now, it's like I'm part of the story. And these feelings for Jake, Dex, and... well, even you. It's confusing."

Liam's eyes soften. "It's human, Emma. We don't choose who we're drawn to, and sometimes, life throws us curveballs."

His words feeling comforting. "But what about the age thing with Jake? He's older, experienced in ways I'm not. It's intimidating."

"Age is a factor, but it's not the defining one," Liam says gently. "What matters is how you feel, how he makes you feel. And from what I've seen, Jake cares about you. A lot."

I chew on my lip, pondering his words. "And what about us, Liam? I mean, you and I, we connect on this whole other level. It's different from Jake and Dex, but it's there."

Liam reaches out, his hand covering mine. "Emma, you're an incredible woman. You've brought something to this club, to our lives, that was missing. We all see it, feel it. How you navigate these feelings is up to you, but know this – you're not alone in them."

His touch sends a warm tingle up my arm. It's reassuring and grounding. "Thanks, Liam. Seriously, you have this way of making things seem less... messy."
