Page 13 of A Second Dawn

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Carl wanted to make it as easy as possible for everyone to integrate Ella into her new life.

“Did any more go on board?”

“Not that I saw.”

I nod, even though she can’t see me. “Carl is implementing plan C to get her out,” I tell her.

“Oh.” I can hear the distaste in her voice.

“I know, but it’s the most likely to succeed. I spoke with El… eh… Riley. She’s keeping out of sight, hiding in one of the cabins until I can get there.”

“When will that be?” she asks. “I’m not cut out for field work. There’s a reason I work in the office.”

“You’ve been trained for situations like this. Just keep your distance from the Italians.”

Checking my watch, I add, “The plane should land in twenty minutes. Find out how many exits there are off the ship—passenger, crew, cargo? Check from a distance if they’re being watched by De Marco’s men and, if so, by how many.”

And where is the man himself?

That’s the crucial question in my head. But I’m not going to send Marni off trying to locate him. I don’t like that she’s involved in the first place.

I’m counting on De Marco not making a scene to avoid alerting authorities to his presence here. He’d want to recover Ella as discreetly as possible.

“You realize I’m not an operative, Aiden,” she reminds me again.

“But you’re the only Freemont personnel there, and that information is vital. Only proceed, though, if it’s safe to do so. Always remember, if in doubt, opt out. These are criminals who don’t care about human life.

“Once I’m there, we need to act quickly or things might escalate. Carl is getting us a getaway vehicle. Liaise with him and make sure it’s in close reach.”

She sighs, “Got it. I’ll try my best, but you owe me.”

I chuckle. “Fine. How about I get Carl to buy you that Jonah Linford US Open racket you’ve been salivating over?”

A gasp escapes Marni, before she reins it in. “I’d be okay with that,” she tries to say nonchalantly, but she can’t hide her excitement.

A smile curves up my lips. Marni loves tennis. She plays it, but watching it live is her real passion.

She’s a huge fan of Jonah Linford, who’s currently ranking number one. Nobody in the office dares speak ill of him out of fear Marni will tear them to shreds.

“Thought so,” I say just as casually. “I’ll see you soon. And Marni, take care. Watch your environment closely. Your safety is paramount.”

As is Ella’s. I need to get to her.

Chapter Four


WaitingforAiden’scallis agonizing.

It’s been an hour since I talked to him. Why isn’t he here yet?

Claudette has done a fabulous job keeping me distracted. But now she’s gone to the bathroom, and I’m alone with my thoughts. They’re deafening in the silence of the cabin.

The weight of the situation comes crushing down on me. No matter what, I can’t get caught… for my daughter’s sake. She deserves a normal life, not one in a golden cage.

Thank god, I’m pregnant. I never thought I’d utter these words when I first found out aboutpeanut. I was so devastated. Now though? It gives me the determination to see this through.

Would Tiero be disappointed that our baby isn’t a boy?
