Page 175 of A Second Dawn

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“Miss O’Neil, I promise nothing like this has ever happened before, and I can guarantee won’t happen again. We’ll be enhancing surveillance, revising access protocols, and implementing additional checks to verify the authenticity of solutions. I will personally supervise your entire procedure.

“I understand your trust in us is compromised,” he continues. Non-existent, I’d say. “But your well-being as well as your baby’s depends on this infusion.”

I search Tiero’s eyes for direction. “I don’t trust anybody here,” I say, speaking my truth. “But then I doubt they’d try something a second time. Especially with a lot more eyes on me and everything being double checked. It’s unlikely there’ll be another attack,” I conclude.

“I agree,” Tiero says. “Agosti, have the next solution triple checked and verified. And expedite everything. I want to get out of here. This hospital is a security nightmare.”

Yes, let’s get out of here. Tiero’s island is calling me louder than ever.

The second attempt at administering the iron infusion went off without a hitch. Claudette and Rhia stayed with me the entire time, their company the best distraction from the fear I can’t seem to shake.

Before the IV line was inserted, the drip was brought into my room and four samples were taken and distributed to four different lab technicians each concluding what was contained in the liquid under the supervision of Tiero’s men.

When the doctors, Tiero and Aiden were content, the procedure started. Dr. Smith monitored everything with Dr. Agosti standing beside him, scrutinizing his every action. That was just fine by me.

Claudette and Rhia cheered me up as best they could. I’m so grateful to have them with me.

Having come so close to losing the new life growing inside me, and enduring torturous long minutes fearing for my life, I don’t want to take anything for granted. Least of all the people most important to me.

While us girls caught up, the men were investigating the security camera footage to determine who switched the solutions.

Nobody recognized the man, and we were left no closer to finding out who was targeting me. Tiero and Aiden agreed to combine resources, and Freemont and Uberto are now talking to each other to identify the fake male nurse.

I’m so pleased the two men and their extended network are working together. Something like that seemed impossible only this morning. If this is the silver lining to the attempt to kill off my child, I’ll take it.

Dr. Smith has just been to check on all my vitals. There are still no signs that the tampered solution did any harm, and I pray to all that’s holy it remains that way.

Tiero has drawn me a bubble bath—not too hot of course, to make sure I don’t overheat.

I finally have some time to myself to unravel my thoughts. I’m feeling vulnerable and disorientated.

Tiero is in our room just outside this door, talking to Antonio to firm up plans for our departure. All going well, I’ll be released in the morning.

I can’t wait to leave this place. Danger seems to lurk around every corner here. Tiero’s island beckons.

I exhale a long sigh, but the thought of Tiero’s island doesn’t bring the relief I had hoped for.

I stare into the fluffy bubbles as if they could hold the answers. It’s ridiculous, I know. I feel so out of my depth.

What if we get attacked on Tiero’s island too? Just because it’s remote doesn’t make it impossible.

A knock on the door causes me to look up from the bubbles.

A second later, Rhia pokes her head in. “Is it okay to come in?”

“Since when do you ask?” I quip, and she steps in.

“Well, I thought it’s polite… in case you wanted to be alone. It’s been a big day.” She pulls a three-legged chair closer to the bathtub.

“You can say that again,” I mutter.

She giggles. “It’s been a big day.”

The corners of my mouth creep up. She’s such a dork sometimes.

“Seriously though, El. Are you alright? You seemed deep in thought.” She pushes a strand of my hair from my face as she leans on the edge of the bathtub.

“Can I ever be safe being with Tiero?” I wonder out loud. It’s the question that’s been plaguing me since today’s attack.
