Page 18 of A Second Dawn

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“I get it right about eighty percent of the time.”

That’s news to me. Somehow, I believed she always knew everything. She usually declares upfront when she doesn’t.

“Does that mean you could be wrong about peanut being a girl?” I plant my hands on my hips and stare at her.

“No, I’m pretty sure about that,” she replies.

“Eighty percent sure?” I ask, a little peeved.

I was so excited about my baby girl news, but now it’s as much up in the air as ever. Perhaps I’ll find out when I have my first scan. Or I could wait till the end and be surprised.

Suddenly, we hear men’s voices and the slamming of a door. We freeze, a chill of unease creeping up my spine.

The voices come closer. And they’re speaking Italian.

Crap, crap, and double crap.

I push my back against the cold wall, trying to steady my breathing. My heart is pounding in my chest, and my hands are shaking.

Beside me, Claudette is doing the same, her wide eyes fixed on the dimly lit corridor.

Despite the cool temperature, sweat breaks out on my forehead. They’re going to come this way. I can feel it.

I turn to Claudette, and we share a look of pure terror. We have to keep moving.

My eyes dart around for an escape route, and I spot another heavy metal door as the footsteps in the hallway grow louder.

There’s no time to waste.

Even a cooler room is a better option than being caught. Throwing caution in the wind, I run to the door and pull.

It doesn’t budge, even though I can push the handle down.

Oh please don’t let this be one of those doors you can only open from the other side.

“Hurry,” Claudette whispers.

“I’m trying,” I reply, pulling with all my might. “It’s not locked, I’m sure of it. Come on! Why don’t you open?”

“Freeze,” a heavily accented voice calls out, followed by a click.

When I look over my shoulder, guns are pointed at us.


Chapter Five


Theywouldn’tshoot,wouldthey? My head is spinning, drops of perspiration running down between my breasts.

This isn’t happening… it can’t be.

I’ve not gone through heartbreak and then slaved in the kitchen for fifteen days to be caught on my last day on board.

Uh uh. No!

Despite my tingling arms and legs, and my hands and feet going numb, I turn around, facing the goons with my head held high. I’ve not seen either man before, but like all of Tiero’s soldiers, they’re bulky and have a menacing demeanor.
