Page 206 of A Second Dawn

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My eyelids grow heavy. Exhaustion is settling in; the events of the day having drained me of all energy. Still clutching Tiero’s hand, I rest my forehead on his bed.

Beep… beep… beep.

The gentle sound of the heart monitor fills the room. I find his pulse point again and let its soothing rhythm lull me to sleep… until blaring alarms go off all around me.

Chapter Sixty


Theshrillpitchofthe monitors assaults my ears with their deafening urgency.

I shoot up, disorientated, not knowing where I am, my heart beating wildly.

My mind, still half asleep and befuddled, doesn’t understand right away what’s happening.


The sound finally registers, my gaze zeroing in on the flat line on the heart monitor.

Blinking lights accompany the alarms, casting erratic flashes across the room.

“No!” I scream. “Tiero!”

The door flies open. A doctor I’ve not seen before and two nurses come rushing in, pushing me aside.

“Please Miss O’Neil, you need to step outside,” one nurse urges me.

But my feet are frozen… I’m frozen.

The nurse takes my hand and leads me quickly out of the room. Aiden and Claudette rush to me and envelop me in their arms. I cling to them for dear life before pushing them away to watch my world fall apart through the window.

Antonio is there too, observing the unfolding disaster with a neutral expression. Of course this jerk isn’t showing emotions… he doesn’t have any.

Medical jargon is thrown around. I can’t understand a thing.

I’m panicking now.


I screw up my face as the nurse hands the doctor a heart defibrillator.

My head spins.

They jolt Tiero’s body, the shock coursing through my veins as if I had been on the receiving end.

Each time the line on the monitor remains flat.

No! No, please.

“This isn’t working,” the doctor says, handing the defibrillator back to the nurse. “We need to do CPR.”

Desperate, my vision blurs from the dam that’s broken inside me. I wipe furiously at my eyes, needing to see what’s happening, and wishing I wasn’t.

As the doctor begins the chest compressions, my eyes are glued to the monitor.

The line doesn’t move.

Why doesn’t it move?!
