Page 208 of A Second Dawn

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She swivels on my lap to face her more directly. “You… lied to… me!” Her voice is gaining strength, even though it’s still hoarse.

Waving a finger at her, she yells, “You know shit about anything.”

She’s wiping at her tears angrily now. “I believed you! But you know as much about my or anybody’s future as I do… fuck all!”

Claudette remains unfazed, allowing Ella to vent her anger. It’s better to see her with fire in her belly than to witness her as distraught as she has been for the past half hour.

“Darling, I get it. Things seem bleak right now, but it will be—”

“Don’t!” Ella shouts, holding up her hand to stop Claudette. “Leave. I can’t even look at you right now.”

She turns her head and hides away against my chest. I tighten my arms around her, pulling her closer against me. Burying my nose in her hair, I throw Claudette an apologetic look.

“She doesn’t mean it. She’s upset,” I mouth.

Claudette nods. “I know,” she whispers. She’s not the least bit affected by Ella’s outburst, understanding why she’s lashing out.

Claudette gets back to her feet and squeezes my arm. “It’s time for me anyway,” she whispers so only I can hear.

She rubs Ella’s back again. “Darling, you need to focus on peanut. She needs you,” Claudette says in a soft voice.

“Go away,” Ella mumbles against my chest, not looking up. But her hand goes to her abdomen, cradling it protectively as if only just remembering she’s not alone anymore.

When the door closes behind Claudette, she glances at it, and I spot a flicker of determination skate across her face. For what has to happen next, I need more of it.

The doctor who tended to Gualtiero walks into the room, his face a mask of detached professionalism. He’s in his late thirties with an athletic build and strong muscles.

“Miss O’Neil,” he says, and Ella detangles herself from me.

She takes a deep breath, stands up, and straightens her spine, readying herself for whatever comes next.

She’s so brave. My heart swells with pride.

I love her.

My stomach explodes with the butterflies that took residence there the moment I met her. I realize once more just how deep my feelings run for her.

She’s everything to me.

“I’m Dr. Carter. My deepest condolences for your loss. I did all I could to revive your fiancé, but with the severity of his injuries there was always a chance he wouldn’t make it through the night.”

Ella nods, the movement screaming of tiredness and exhaustion.

“Are you the doctor who was flown in from Calgary?” she asks in a suspicious tone. Who can blame her with all the attacks on her and Gualtiero over the past two days?

“Yes. I’m sorry I was too late.” With a sympathetic smile, he leaves the room.

From my peripheral vision, I notice Antonio taking out his phone from his jacket pocket. He’s been quietly standing in a darkened corner, watching everything.

“I’m going to inform Don Mateo,” he says and moves out of the room. Good, I don’t like him around Ella.

“Don Mateo,” Ella gives a humorless laugh. “He’s not wasting time, is he?”

No, he isn’t and nor should we. Ella is in more danger than ever. We need to get her out of here. Now!

“Ella,” I say as I step closer to her. Even though we’re alone in the waiting room, I can’t risk anybody overhearing us. I wait until her grief-stricken face lifts to mine. “We’re stepping up the plan. Now that Gualtiero is—”

She pins me with a look, beseeching me not to say it out loud. I raise my hands in surrender. I get it.
