Page 217 of A Second Dawn

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“I want to see him.”

“Of course, I will take you to him,” Dr. Broad Back says.

He walks past me toward the kitchen door. Claudette takes my hand in hers, and together we follow him down a small corridor.

“Has he woken up?” I ask, my heart thumping uncontrollably.

“No, we’ve kept him sedated. But as he’s progressing well, we’ve begun to dial back the medication. He should wake up soon.”

By the time we reach Tiero’s room, I’m on the verge of a cardiac sprint. Claudette squeezes my hand reassuringly, murmuring, “It’s all going to be alright.”

I might even believe her this time.

Mini fireworks erupt in my stomach, my hands shaking, as I step into the makeshift hospital room.

The subdued beeping of the machines is the only sound.

And there, lying in a hospital-style bed, is the man I thought I’d lost forever.

My breath catches in my throat, my trembling hand flying to my mouth to cover my gasp.

It’s really him. I’m not dreaming this.

Tiero is alive.

A tidal wave of relief washes over me, threatening to pull me under. Tears well up in my eyes, and I rush to his bedside, drinking in the sight of him.

His face is still pale, and his eyes are closed, as if he’s in a deep slumber. Tubes and wires are connected to his body, though not as many as this morning.

“I thought I’d lost you,” I whisper, my voice shaky. “I thought you were gone forever.”

The relief, the joy, and the overwhelming love in my heart are too powerful to put into words.

So I lean down, pressing my lips to his in a tender kiss, while the tears keep streaming down my face.

The world around me disappears, and all that matters is that the man I love is alive and I’m with him.

Sitting down in the chair beside his bed, I take Tiero’s hand in mine. It’s warm, and the touch of his skin sends shivers down my spine. I hold on, squeezing his hand tightly.

And then I find that pulse point on his wrist. The steady thudding against my fingertips is the most comforting sensation I’ve ever experienced.

My future looked so bleak only half an hour ago. Now it explodes with color and possibilities.

Perhaps the magical dancing lights of the aurora borealis were indeed a good omen.

The future once more is mine. Mine and Tiero’s.

Chapter Sixty-Four


Rhythmicwavesfilterthroughlayers of fog.

It’s distant at first, but slowly the persistent sound lures me back to… I don’t know where.

I feel a tug at the edge of my mind. With a groggy resistance, I pull myself up from the depths of unconsciousness.

My eyelids flutter, and a gentle, natural light filters through, casting a warm glow all around.
