Page 56 of A Second Dawn

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Suddenly, there’s grunting coming from our left. We both freeze.

Oh god, please don’t let this actually be a bear.

But then a high-pitched moan joins the animated groaning, leaving little to the imagination.

“Who’s your daddy?”

“Uh. Oh.”

We crouch low to scan the area, trying to find the source of the sounds. It doesn’t take us long.

Hidden behind the vegetation, are two people… stark naked. A balding, spindly guy has a young brunette bent over a fallen trunk, ploughing into her from behind.

Normally it would throw me seeing such a public display, but today my first thought is, ‘Aren’t they cold?’

I’ve regretted not having taken my jacket along, but at least I’m wearing a thick, long sleeve shirt and have my scarf wrapped around my throat to keep warm.

Aiden quietly chuckles, pointing at the guy’s feet. Ah, he must be feeling the cold after all. He’s wearing bright yellow socks… so attractive.

I’ve watched porn. Shocking, I know, given my goody two-shoes lifestyle, but I’ve never seen it live in action before.

Actually, that’s not true. I’ve walked in on Rhia and Lex, but closed my eyes right away. It’s not a picture I want in my head.

I hoped it would be more fascinating than this and make me horny too, but this display has the opposite effect. There’s nothing sexy about it.

Ade must agree. Averting his gaze, he tugs on my hand, and we sneak past the couple to continue our search for Claudette.

She really is a wild card. With her, you never know what’s going to happen next.

Most of the time that’s exciting, but today? Not so much.

What if Tiero put a bounty on our heads? We have no idea what’s going on. Carl hasn’t been in touch since he rang to tell us about the RV, but no news is good news, right?

The cool breeze rustles the colorful leaves as we venture forward. Finally, we arrive at a clearing leading directly to the festival.

Aiden is walking in front of me, obstructing my view when he begins laughing.

“Oh, you’re kidding me!” he exclaims, pointing ahead.

I squint through the vibrant foliage, and my eyes widen in disbelief.

“This is a nudist camp?” I say with a mixture of discomfort and amusement. “That explains why there were no clothes to be seen when those two were going for it.”

We step back in amongst the trees to hide.

People of all shapes and sizes wander around.

I sigh, a puff of breath visible in the fall air, and reluctantly accept the absurdity of our situation.

“How are we going to find Claudette in there without turning into leaf-covered statues and freezing our bits off?” I ask, shuffling my feet, the fallen leaves crunching beneath my shoes. This is not what I signed up for.

Aiden chuckles, “My balls are turning blue just looking at this crowd.”

“From the cold or the excitement of seeing naked bodies?”

God, I hope he’s not turned on by this display.

He rolls his eyes at me. “The cold, of course. Though it’s really a mindset.”
