Page 86 of A Second Dawn

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“Even though I only caught a glimpse of you from afar, I asked Rhia about you when she came back to our room. There was something about you that drew me in deep.”

I sigh. “Things could have turned out so differently if we had officially met then. But what-if is such a dangerous game. Hindsight is usually a bitch.”

“It’s my biggest regret, Ella.” He pulls away to lift my chin with gentle fingers, our gazes connecting. I see the sorrow darkening his eyes. It breaks my heart.

“Aiden, I can’t deny that I have feelings for you. They are strong—so strong.” Hope blossoms in his eyes, but I shake my head.

“But my feelings for Tiero are strong too. And now that I know about our split souls, it’s no longer a surprise. I understand it all better now, but it doesn’t make the situation any less complicated.”

Aiden’s face crinkles in confusion.

Ah, right.

I haven’t told him about our twin flame actually being a triple flame.

How will he take it to learn he shares a soul with a mob boss? He seems to hate Tiero for all that he stands for.

What will happen should they ever meet?

Given my reaction to both of them, would they experience something similar with each other? Would their worlds be rocked on their axis? Would they cope?

I have such a strong sexual charge with both men and they with me. Does that mean the same applies to them? Do they have bisexual tendencies they don’t know about?

Oh gosh, that’s some brain gymnastics right there.

I can’t imagine the two of them becoming lovers. My eyes widen at the mere thought, confusing poor Aiden further.

“What’s going on in your head?” he asks.

I seriously doubt he wants to know these ridiculous thoughts. Tiero and Aiden with each other…

They’re both so masculine, so alpha… it could never work. But imagining the two of them naked in bed… their delicious bodies on display. I might just die of heatstroke.

“Ella?” Ade prompts when I don’t reply.

I shake my head to free myself from this ludicrous notion.

“Umm… where do I even begin?” I say more to myself than him.

“Two years ago in Scotland, a man who was known as the oracle in his town approached me and said‘Your soul is not in one but three. Find all parts, you must to be complete’or something along those lines.

“I had no idea what he meant and always wondered what he was on about. That’s until you mentioned twin flames. I talked with Claudette about it. She explained how twin flames recognize each other.

“In that moment I knew! Both you and Tiero are the other parts of my soul.”

I don’t pause to let the statement sink in. Ade blinks a few times, his eyebrows drawing together.

I continue on. His energy is shifting, and I don’t know what to make of it.

“Claudette agreed. On the ship she had a paperweight in the shape of a heart. I bumped it, and it fell and broke into three equal parts, which was so bizarre.

“That’s when Claudette figured it out. I’ll never forget her stunned expression and the way she looked at me. But she didn’t give anything away and only mentioned it recently when my memory of that oracle man resurfaced.

“So you see. We are a Triple Flame.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

