Page 45 of Fierce Vow

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“I fucking loved it, Aly. I’m not even sure I have the words.” He pushes me back on the bed and cradles me into his body. This is what I love about Leo, even though this is just about sex or sex lessons—or at least I think it is, we haven’t defined our relationship—he still treats me like a cherished object. Like he cares.

He rubs circles on my back, leaning in to drop kisses on my neck and collarbone. A moment ago, I was desperate for release, but now I’m enjoying lying here, being close to him. Inhaling his smell, like fresh clothes and clean sweat, trying to commit it to memory.

Out of nowhere, he says, “Everyone will be home in a week.”

“I know.” The pakhan, Andrei and Yulian are coming home for one week to attend to business matters stateside, before returning to Russia. I tip my face up towards Leo. “Should we take a break while everyone is back home?” There’re no rules against Leo and I hooking up, but since it’s just that, a summer fling, there’s no need to tell everyone. Especially since Yulian’s probably going to freak.

“Maybe,” he says sourly. “But I don’t want to. Fuck, I’m not sure if I’m capable of staying away from you.” He tucks a strand of hair behind my ears. “It’s up to you, the ball is in your court. But we’ll have to tell Yulian at some point.”

I groan. “Why do we have to tell him anything?” My brother is so protective of me. As soon as Leo opens his mouth about us, it’ll strain their friendship. I know it will. And Yulian will be all in my face about stuff I don’t want him in my face about. “I mean, this is only a summer fling, right?”

Leo pokes me gently in the ribs. “So you’re going to fuck me and dump me, butterfly? Is that how it is?”

I giggle. “Yeah, that’s how it is.” Leo knows I’m not looking for a boyfriend, and certainly not one that is destined to become a vor. “Anyways,” I add, “You’ll be taking the bratva oath in September, and I’ll be… well, I have to figure that out. But we’ll both be busy.”

Leo cups my cheek with his hand, studying my face as I study his strong cheekbones, piercing brown eyes, and full lips I can’t get enough of. “I’d make time for this. For you,” he whispers.

Heat spreads across my skin, but I know it’s wishful thinking. “How can you say that? You know how it is when you join the brotherhood, especially the first few years.” I pause for a moment before saying, “And you know my feelings about distancing myself from the bratva. We can’t continue this once you’re a sworn-in vor.”

His face falls, and he slumps onto his back. “Fuck, I don’t want to think about that right now. I just want to focus on you and the time we have left together.”

I lean against him, basking in the little bubble we’ve created. One that’s starting to feel too good. If I don’t cut this off at the end of the summer, I’ll fall for this man. Who am I kidding? I already have. But with each day that passes, I only fall deeper.

Leo dips his head to steal a sweet kiss from my lips. “What are you thinking about?”

“I’m thinking about you,” I admit, but the truth ends there. “I’m thinking that if we keep up the knife fight lessons, I’ll be able to take you down in no time.”

He growls, and playfully tackles me against the bed. “I’d like to see you try. And don’t think you can scare me out of these lessons. Two times a week, no matter what, I’m teaching you how to defend yourself.” Against my ear, he whispers, “And if you’re lucky, we’ll move on to more deep throating after that. You made me feel so good, butterfly. How can I return the favor?”

My thighs clench together but he pries them apart with just one hand. “Do you want my tongue first or my cock? Or maybe my cock and then my tongue… and then my cock again?”

“Yes,” I gasp, as his fingers dance over my clit. Light, playful movements. A tease.

“Yes to what?” He stares down at me as my eyes roll up in my head, pleasure radiating from my core to every limb in my body.

“Yes to everything, Leo. You know what I need,” I whimper, feeling more and more desperate for him as he skims his fingertips down to my opening.

“I do, butterfly. I know exactly what you need.” And with that, he replaces his fingers with his cock and sinks inside of me in one hard thrust.

“Oh. My. God,” I cry out, lost in the feeling of Leo filling me up so damn perfectly I nearly weep.

“No god here, Aly, just me. Owning your pussy. Branding it.” His thrusts turn merciless, he’s pounding in and out of me like his life depends on it. It’s too much, too good, and I’m dragged to the edge in no time. Holy shit. I explode, my inner walls clamping down around Leo’s cock, milking him so fucking hard I swear I see stars. It’s a matter of seconds before his release spills inside of me, like the hot brand he promised.

As we come down from our high, I burrow my cheek in his neck and my eyelids flutter closed. Just as I’m drifting off, Leo murmurs, “I don’t care where you go, or what you do in the future. You will always be mine. We’re as inevitable as the planets circling the sun. And there’s not a force on earth strong enough to keep me away from you.”



I arriveon the main deck of the yacht to find crew members bustling about, preparing for something. I’m not sure what it is yet, but I’m going to guess it has something to do with the surprise Leo has in store for me. Whatever that is.

It’s another ridiculously perfect day. The sun is shining down with relentless enthusiasm, but it only makes my head pound harder. I didn’t manage to sleep much last night, my anxieties on overdrive.

And the thought that’s screaming the loudest—should I sleep with my ex? Not just any ex, the one that broke me.

It could either be the best or the most disastrous idea I’ve ever had, but I don’t know if I have it in me to resist him any longer. The pull I feel towards him is like a living, breathing entity that pulses and thrums in my veins. So hot that I had to use Bob multiple times last night, hoping to work out all my pent-up sexual energy. With my eyes squeezed shut, I allowed myself to imagine what it might be like to finally give in to the overwhelming temptation to spread my legs for Leo again. It was good—really good. But I know for a fact the real thing is so much better.

I steal a croissant off the breakfast buffet and make my way towards the lounge area. It’s there that Jack catches up with me, his hair messily flopped to one side, a sheepish smile on his face. “Aly, do you have a minute?” he asks, falling into step with me.
