Page 109 of Shattered Crown

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Before coming to New York, Maxim and I got a clean bill of health from the doctor—a huge relief after the harrowing ordeal I suffered at Nadya’s hands.

Andrei claps Maxim on the shoulder, a broad grin on his face. “Congratulations are in order. Hard to believe I'm welcoming you into our family with open arms, but life is full of weird surprises.”

“Don’t I know it.” Maxim's eyes glint with amusement, his lips curling into a knowing smirk that says more than words ever could.

My family is still adjusting to Maxim being a new, unexpected part of our inner circle. Not so long ago, he was at the top of their shitlist. Aly's cool with him now, but Leo and my brothers are still thawing out, considering their rocky history. Maxim gets it, though. He's patient, knowing time often fixes things. Plus, a new kid on the way doesn’t hurt.

Bianca and Daniil are next to rally around us with warm smiles and jokes about lack of sleep and dirty diapers.

“Yeah, very funny,” I toss back at Daniil. “Uncles change diapers too.”

“Do they?” he scratches his chin. But when Anya runs by, he scoops her up into his arms and twirls her around, eliciting giggles from the little girl.

My husband comes up behind me, his hands, large and reassuring, cradling my just-beginning-to-show belly. "Looks like he’s already wrapped around his niece’s tiny finger,” he whispers.

His words draw a soft chuckle from me. “That's for sure.”

In the midst of the laughter and teasing, my gaze drifts across the room, catching sight of Leo and Alyona. They seem a bit removed from the excitement, their expressions thoughtful. Maybe Aly is considering her own future as a mother, or maybe she's thinking about her new role as a big sister. I give her space, knowing it's a lot for anyone to take in.

As Daniil and Bianca head off after Anya, Maxim pulls me aside, away from the family buzz. With a feather-light touch, Maxim traces the outline of my jaw with his fingertips, his gaze holding mine with a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "Kira, you've turned my life around in ways I never imagined. Having you and our baby ... it's more than I ever hoped for. And to think I came so close to losing it all …”

“But you didn’t,” I say, both of my palms flat on his chest. “I’m still here, this baby is here, and I want nothing more than to stand by your side, every day.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.” He gives me the faintest of smiles before reaching into his pocket.

He gets down on one knee and presents me with a ring that's sheer elegance featuring a large, pear-shaped diamond cradled in a band of polished platinum.

I'm so overwhelmed that I'm speechless.

"This ring was your aunt’s," he explains, his eyes never leaving mine.

“My aunt’s?” Emotion builds in my chest and catches in my throat. “But how…”

"We found a stash of her jewelry in the cabin, hidden beneath the floorboards. The rest of her collection is at home. I had this one restyled and fitted for you. I think Masha would approve.”

My hand comes up to rest over my mouth as all the emotions bubble to the surface. Joy, excitement, love.

“Will you marry me?" Maxim asks, on one knee before me.

"But we're already married," I argue as tears start rolling down my cheeks.

“We are, but this time you deserve a real wedding, not a bullshit society one. A day with your friends and family present. Only people that we love and care for.”

I can't help but laugh through my tears, happiness beating a drum in my chest. “Jesus, yes! Of course I will marry you again.” He slips the ring onto my finger, and it fits perfectly—like we do. “And again and again and again. The answer will always be ‘yes’.”

“You make me so damn happy,” he says, leaning down and capturing my mouth with his. By capturing, I mean plundering. He's practically fucking my mouth in front of my family, and I have no intention of stopping him.

“Ahem.” It takes someone clearing their throat for us to finally pull apart.

Aly and Leo stand before us, looking everywhere but at us.

"Don't let us interrupt you," Leo jokes. "We're not in any rush.”

"Well, in that case…" Maxim makes a move to pull my face back to his, but I stop him with a hand on his chest.

"That was a joke, honey. He definitely wants us to stop.”

Maxim growls his displeasure, but then his eyes land on Aly, who stands in front of her father with a hopeful expression. "A baby? I’m going to be a big sister? And you’re going to be a father … again.”
