Page 111 of Shattered Crown

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“That's our last resort. Find out what she's been doing, what her plans are, who she’s spoken with. But if we deem her a threat … there's only one way.”

Pavel knows this as well as I do. But there's something about the girl that left a mark on him. One of the most ruthless and toughest assholes I know, but he has a soft spot for vulnerable women.

I turn to Roman. "I'm going to need you to accompany Kira and Liza on a trip."

"Excuse me?" Roman sits up straighter in his seat. "I thought I was done playing babysitter.”

"You're not a babysitter," I reply. "You're my right hand and the best fucking guard I have—other than Pavel, except Kira actually likes you.”

I shoot a sly grin Pavel’s way. He and Kira are still working on their relationship, warming to each other slowly. Pavel finally trusts her, and Kira takes great pleasure in needling him for being so damn serious at times. He rolls his eyes in response.

One look at Roman, and I can tell he's still stuck on what I told him earlier. I snuff out my cigar and lean my forearms on the desk. "Kira wants to go on a girls’ trip while she still feels good. If I can't travel with my wife, the only other people I trust with her life are the two of you. Pavel already has some shit to take care of, so this is falling onto your shoulders."

Roman makes a face of distaste. "Great. More shopping trips.”

Pavel gives him a dry look, taking in his dark fitted jeans and designer sweater. “What do you have against shopping?”

My gut tells me it's not the shopping trip that's the issue. It's Liza, the dark-haired, engaged beauty that will be accompanying Kira. She seems to get under Roman’s skin for reasons he hasn't fully acknowledged.

“It’s fine.” Roman busies himself pouring another shot of vodka. “I'm happy to do whatever you need me to, and I will guard Kira with my life. Do you have the details of the trip yet?

"Kira is planning it now. I'll let you coordinate with her.”

I may have missed the mark with Nadya—something I’ll never forgive myself for—but these two men are my strongest allies and true brothers. Soon, Pavel and Roman will take ownership over different aspects of my business. I plan to step down from the day-to-day running of things so I can raise my child with Kira. Giving this baby the love and attention it deserves that sadly I was not able to give my other children. When you fuck up enough in life, you eventually learn from your mistakes. And there's not a moment of my life with Kira and the children we have that I'm willing to miss. It's time that's too precious to me.

I stand, brush off my pants, do up my suit jacket, and wish my men a good night. I have a very horny, pregnant wife that needs my attention. “The bottle of vodka is yours if you want to make a night of it."

Roman looks like he might take me up on my offer, but Pavel is still staring at the picture of Hope King in his lap. I hope when he finds her—and he will eventually find her—he's able to finish the job he started. The future of our syndicate relies on making decisions with our head, not our heart.

But it's a lecture I'll save for another day because, right now, there's only one place I want to be. Wrapped in my wife's arms and buried in her pussy.

It's my version of heaven on earth, and I don't think life can get better than this.
