Page 12 of Shattered Crown

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Sitting down on the bed, I fish my cell phone from my purse and prepare to make the call I’ve avoided for … oh, an entire month. But now that we’re married and the wedding was certainly covered by the press near and far, there is no putting off the inevitable.

Aly answers on the first ring. “Kira! Oh my God, I’m looking at your pictures online right now. Holy shit, you actually went through with it.”

I stare at the four-carat ring weighing down my finger. “I did,” I confirm.

She sighs. “Why didn’t you tell us it was happening so soon? I feel bad that we weren’t there for you.”

“Don’t feel bad, please,” I say, shaking my head even though she can’t see me. “There’s so much bad blood between everyone and Maxim, and I didn’t want it to be uncomfortable.”

“We would have sucked it up in order to be there for you,” Aly counters.

“I know it's hard for you and my brothers to understand, but this is something I have to do on my own. I’m fine, really. I promise you.”

She releases a wary breath, and I can tell she’s holding back a barrage of questions. “How are you and Leo?” I ask, changing the subject. “I bet he’s the happiest man in the world right now.”

Aly and my brother, Leo, have been circling each other since they were teens. The one good thing that came out of Maxim attempting to abduct Aly is that it brought her and Leo back together. When my brother found out someone was pursuing Aly, he dropped everything and whisked her away on a yacht to keep her safe.

A puff of laughter slips from her. “He’s good. We’re both good. We’re planning our wedding in a few months. I hope you can come.”

My heart sinks in my chest because I have no idea what the future holds for me. “Maybe,” I offer. “Keep me updated, okay? I have to go, but it was so nice to hear your voice. I miss you. Send my love to everyone.”

“I miss you too. And, Kira?”


“You know we're always here for you, whether you change your mind or need help. Whatever the situation, I’m a phone call away.”

I fight the ball of emotion that threatens to choke me. “Thank you. You’re the best.”

“Right back at you, babe.”

I hang up, struggling to contain my tears. The weight of everything bears down on me. My family wants to help, but getting them involved means putting them right in Maxim's crossfire.

I check my watch and realize I only have five minutes before I'm expected downstairs. With that, I make my next call.

Liza answers on the first ring. “Allo?”

“Hi. It’s me, Kira.”

“Oh, I know who it is,” she quips. “You married Maxim fucking Belov, and you didn’t think to … oh, I don’t know … give me advance warning! Seriously, what the fuck?”

Welp, I had to see that coming.

“I know it seems nuts, but the opportunity presented itself, and... What can I say?” I haven't spoken to Liza since the night of the ball. I knew she'd try to reason with me, and frankly, that's exactly what I wanted to avoid.

“I’ll explain everything in person,” I promise. “Can we meet today? Somewhere private, where we can be alone.”

“Alone?" She sighs as if this is all too much. "You’ll never be alone again. Maxim is going to assign a legion of guards to you.”

I puff out my cheeks. "Let that be my concern. Pick a place and text it to this number."

She snorts. "I hope you know what you are doing, Kira.Da ty yobanulass."

Am I out of my mind? Maybe. I’ve certainly been accused of worse.


