Page 21 of Shattered Crown

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It's as if every logical part of me has taken a back seat, leaving me at the mercy of these overwhelming, primal sensations. Maxim's gaze grows more hazy, his breathing uneven as I hover on the edge of need and bad decisions. His hold on me tightens, his fingers pressing into my skin, the moment taking its toll on both of us. If I’m going to fall, he’s going down with me.

Just as I’m cresting the peak, unable to fight the wave building inside of me any longer, the kitchen light flicks on.

Nadya stands in the doorway, her eyes wide with shock. Her usual composed demeanor crumbles for a moment as she takes in the scene before her—me, drenched and disheveled, pressed up against the wall by Maxim.

I stand there, trying to catch my breath, feeling a thousand different shades of awkward and exposed.

Maxim doesn’t even flinch. He releases me casually, stepping back with a grin that doesn't reach his eyes. The sudden absence of his body against mine leaves me feeling cold, despite the warm flush still covering my skin. My T-shirt clings to me, my hair a wet mess around my face. I desperately want to shrink into myself, away from Nadya’s penetrating gaze and Maxim’s unsettling calm.

“I heard a noise,” is all she says, her expression shifting from surprise to disapproval. She's seen much in this house, but I bet this is new. I’m sure it’ll only give her further reason to scorn me.

“We’re perfectly fine,” Maxim assures her, picking a piece of lint off his suit jacket as if nothing out of the ordinary has happened. As if I wasn’t dry-humping her boss’s leg, about to reach orgasm.

Nadya’s eyes flick to me, heavy with judgment. Maxim being a lunatic, soaking me in ice water and chasing me around the house is certainly not my fault, but I bet she won’t see it that way.

Well, fuck her. And for that matter, fuck him. Maxim seems to be deriving way too much amusement from this moment.

“Excuse me,” I say, attempting to brush past Maxim to go… Where, I’m not sure, but I do know I need to get the hell out of this kitchen and as far away from Nadya’s intrusive glare as possible.

Of course, Maxim doesn’t allow that to happen. “So what will it be, lastochka? Will you be joining me in my bed, or would you prefer to sleep outside with the dogs?”

The dogs? This man is as savage as they come.

“Fine,” I hiss back. “I’ll sleep in your bed, but don’t expect anything else from me. My legs are sealed shut.”

"We'll see about that," he murmurs, his voice a low rumble.

Before I can react, his hand clasps my upper arm in a firm grip, guiding me past a frowning Nadya, towards the grand staircase.

Choosing the most remote bedroom in the house for my temporary sanctuary was my bright idea to hide from Maxim. I thought distance might grant me freedom. But now, as Maxim's unwavering hold steers me, I see there’s no escaping his grasp. Maxim Belov is capable of finding me anywhere on his property. Anywhere in the city. Hell, I get the feeling he could find anyone anywhere in this world if he really wanted to.

As we enter his bedroom, a shiver racks my body. Maxim frowns like he disapproves of me being cold. Which is insane since he’s the reason I’m feeling this way.

Without further discussion, he grabs a dress shirt off the back of his chair and holds it out for me. “You need to get out of your wet clothes. Put this on.”

Perhaps if I was thinking straight, I’d argue that I have a closet full of clothes ten feet away, but I’m so desperate to be out of this wet T-shirt and for this night to be over with that I reach for his clothing.

"Turn around," I demand, trying to reclaim some control.

Maxim responds with a cocky half-grin. "No, I don’t think so," he drawls. “I think I’ll sit right here and watch you.” His eyes glint with intrigue.

I’m about to tell him to go to hell and stomp off to the bathroom to change, but something stops me: the realization that I don't entirely hate the idea of him watching me. In fact, the thought of making him squirm by looking at something he could never have, adds a wicked thrill. It's payback time.

"Suit yourself." With deliberate slowness, I peel off the drenched fabric clinging to my skin and toss it directly at him, maintaining unflinching eye contact.

Refusing to be intimidated, I stand my ground. He may think he holds the upper hand, having brought me to the brink of orgasm and now witnessing me strip, but I'm determined to show him differently.

I don’t cover my body, my full curves on display. He goes still, his gaze slowly lifting to examine my every inch. His eyes darken, and his body holds tension like a coiled spring ready to snap.

There's twisted pleasure in knowing I have the power to affect him just as he affected me. Slipping on his shirt, I'm immediately wrapped in his rich scent. It smells like leather andsomething smoky—aged whiskey, maybe? Rich and undeniably masculine. Like him.

When I finally look up, there’s a slight quiver in his clenched jaw. Without another word, he turns and storms away towards the bathroom. Moments later, I hear the shower running.

I sure hope it’s a cold one.


