Page 90 of Shattered Crown

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Maxim stares at me intensely, and I have no idea what he’s thinking—if it’s good or bad, or somewhere in between. Finally, he stands and approaches me. “I really put the ass in assume. We should have talked about birth control earlier. I’m sorry.”

I give him a reassuring smile that I hope appears genuine. “It’s fine. I’m going to grab my clutch from the closet, and we can go.”

I turn quickly, hoping to hide the sudden flush of anxiety that I feel painting my cheeks. I walk to the closet, my mind racing, and start counting the days in my head since my last period—a silent numbers game that adds up to a startling realization: my period is late.

How could I be so stupid? With everything happening, I lost track of time.

I reach for my clutch, my fingers trembling as they brush against the cool leather. There’s no way I can tell Maxim what I suspect. Not now, not after what he told me.

I take a deep breath, willing my heart to slow, to silence the rapid drumming in my chest. I need to compose myself, to put on a mask of calm before I face Maxim again.

But as I glance at my reflection in the mirror, the woman staring back at me is holding onto a secret that could change everything.



As Maximand I step into the grand foyer of the theater, a hush falls over the crowd. All heads snap towards us as we make our way through the mass of people, nods are exchanged, camera flashes flickering at the edge of my vision. I try to smile at those who approach us, but I can feel my hands shaking, betraying my nerves.

Maxim gives my hand a reassuring squeeze as we continue our path through the sea of faces.

“Are you alright?” he murmurs in my ear.

“I’m fine,” I say because I don’t want him to worry.

Maybe he thinks I'm still digesting what he shared about losing his son and exiling his ex-wife. That was a lot to take in. But there's more to my silence—the realization that I might be carrying his child. One that he doesn’t want, and for good reason.

“Let me get you a drink,” he offers with a frown. “You look a little pale.”

"Seltzer water, please."

Before Maxim can turn away, he nods at someone behind me. Seconds later, Liza slides up next to me, wrapping me in a welcoming embrace, her jasmine scent floating between us. A scent I usually find lovely. But right now, it makes me feel like hurling.

“Keep an eye on Kira,” Maxim instructs her. “I’m going to get her something to drink.”

Liza turns to me, confused. “Water? We have something much stronger, you know.” She lifts her drink to offer proof. “The bartenders are making this amazing espresso martini with vo—” Something about my expression stops her mid-sentence. “What’s going on?” she asks, pulling me into a quiet corner of the cavernous room.

"I'm okay," I whisper, "but I need you to do something for me. Can you get me a pregnancy test and bring it over to the house tomorrow?"

Even though the war with the Black Company has gone quiet, I can’t head out on my own to the pharmacy. There are guards with me at all times. I know it’s asking Liza a lot, but until she’s actually married to Anatoly, she has more freedom than I do.

“Oh my God, of course. Do you think you’re…” She looks at me intently, her gaze searching mine.

“I think I might be.”

Her eyes widen. “Does Maxim know?”

I shake my head, wringing my hands in front of me. “I want to be sure before I tell him. He may not be happy about it.”

“I doubt that. You should see how he looks at you. Like the Earth orbits around you.”

“He doesn’t want another child.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I bite my lip.

Shit. I don’t think anyone knows about Ilya. Maxim must have kept him a secret from the world to protect his son’s life. In the end, his enemies got to him anyway.

“You mean other than Alyona?” Liza looks at me curiously.

