Page 90 of Last Call For Love

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“For like five minutes.” She winked. “And you had fun doing so.”

I let her have that one.

“I should try to feed her again,” Sierra said with a wince as she shifted her weight and extended her arms. I stood up as carefully as possible and settled Sophie in her arms.

I watched in awe as Sophie rooted around for a moment before latching onto Sierra’s breast. Sierra winced, one eye open as she peered down at our daughter.

“That really hurts,” she grunted, grimacing. “Oh, my gosh. That doesn’t feel good at all.”

“The nurse said it’s supposed to get easier, right?” I asked, mildly concerned at the amount of pain my wife had experienced within the last three hours. Sophie was only three hours old, which was crazy to consider.

My phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and noticed the barrage of text messages waiting for me. I’d announced to our friends the birth of our daughter and sent a very cute picture of her in the group chat. But I’d ignored it since then.

“Oh, God,” I breathed. “We have visitors.”

“Did they bring food?” Sierra laughed, arching her brow at me.

I shot a quick text into the chat, and Keely replied immediately.

“Keely brought food, a lot of it.”

“Send them in!” Sierra chuckled, adjusting Sophie in her arms.

Within minutes the room was full. Grant and Moira brought flowers and presents for us and the baby. Keely had an entire cooler full of food and drinks, and George looked at me like he was trying his hardest not to cry. I’d never seen him make that face before, and I was on the verge of tears myself when he clapped me on the shoulder and pulled me in for a hug.

“I never thought I’d see the day,” he said.

“You said that to me after Sierra and I got married.”

“Well, yeah.” He laughed.

Sierra was more than willing to pass the baby around from arm to arm, and Sophie slept the entire time.

Keely made herself busy by dishing out lasagna still hot from the oven and pieces of thick, buttery garlic bread.

“I went to the apartment and stocked your freezer,” she said to me, giving me a huge, tight hug.

“How does it feel to be an aunt?” I asked, and she burst into tears.

Her tears spurred tears from Sierra and Moira, while the men and I ate our dinner and watched the women fawn over my wife and daughter.

I’d never been this happy before. Every word I spoke was rich and full. Every corner and curve of my heart was bursting at the seams with happiness and pride.

I locked eyes with Sierra, giving her a gentle smile. She returned that smile with one of her own, a single tear sliding down her cheek.

“Holly and Sophie are so close in age,” Moira said as she beamed down at my daughter with nothing but love and excitement in her eyes. “In a few years we can tea parties!”

“Or get them on horseback,” Grant added with a smirk.

“Or tea parties.” Moira grinned as he rolled his eyes.

“What’s her middle name?” George asked as Moira handed Sophie to him. I wasn’t sure how many babies George had held before, and he looked like a giant compared to the tiny bundle in his arms, but he was a professional, that was for sure.

“Jane.” Sierra smiled. “After my friend in Washington. She’ll be here in a few days.”

Sierra looked on the verge of tears again at the thought of her friend, so I reached out and clasped her hand. Jane had helped her save her own life, and I’d be forever indebted to the woman for bringing Sierra and me together.

“You look so good as an uncle,” Keely whispered to George as she leaned into him, the two of them looking down at Sophie.
