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“No.” He poured himself another drink. “Why would you do this? I told you I hate that smell.”

“I thought that since I made them for you it’d make it better. You know, help to get rid of the bad memories by replacing them with good ones.”

“It doesn’t. It just brings the bad memories back.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll get rid of them.”

“Why bother? You can’t remove the smell.” He was a kid again, those delicious scents filling his head and breaking his heart, reminding him of how unwanted and unloved he was. How alone he was. “This is why I don’t talk about my past. People like you think you can fix it with some stupid gesture, but you can’t.”

“I’m sorry,” she repeated. “I made a mistake but that’s no reason to not talk about your past. Talking about it helps sometimes.”

“Ah, that’s right. The bet.”

“This isn’t about the bet.”

“Isn’t it?”

“No. Making the cookies had nothing to do with that.”

“But you still want to know about my past, don’t you? Even though you know I hate talking about it.”

She hesitated but finally said, “Yes.”

“Then let’s get it over with so I can forget about it again. But this is it. You won the bet and I’ll answer your questions but after tonight don’t bring any of it up again. Ever. Understand?”

She nodded.

“Good.” He started for the couch and stopped, grabbing the bottle of bourbon. He’d need it because Alison was tenaciously curious. He’d rather have her pull shrapnel from his gut with tweezers than have her dig into his past.

CHAPTER 37: Alison

Alison sat on the chair across from Harker. She’d made a huge mistake. She’d thought he’d like the cookies but now they were fighting again and this time it was her fault. “I think we should stop the contest. We’re both too competitive.”

“I agree.” He seemed to almost melt into the couch.

“Good and if I ask any questions that you really don’t want to answer just tell me.”

“What? You said we were done with our game.”

“We are, but I did win.” She hadn’t even considered not asking him about his past. “And I need to know more about you for our child.” But that was only part of the reason. She wanted to know everything about him for herself too.

“Our child doesn’t need to know anything about my past,” he almost growled.

“You don’t think he or she might want to know why Dad gets mad when he smells baked goods?”

“No, I don’t. It’ll be one of my endearing quirks.”

She bit her lip to stop from laughing. “Yes, but I still think little junior might be curious.”

“Junior will get over it but if you’re collecting on your win then we’re not stopping our game. I will win next week.”

“You want to fight and not talk to each other for another week? Because I don’t.”

His frown deepened and he took a sip of his drink. “No, but if I agree to stop playing, we’re going to La Petite Mort Club next Saturday.”

“Okay.” Her blood heated at the thought of what he might ask her to do.

His mouth opened and shut as if he’d been prepared to argue. “Good. And you agree to try whatever I want. We don’t have to continue, but you agree to try it, right?” His dark eyes roamed over her.
