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“Hey Alison, what’s up?” Dan asked.

“You sound awful chipper for a man who was at the bar last night.”

“I don't drink much, and I don’t need a lot of sleep.”

“That’s right. You never slept much in college. Did you?”

“Nope. Works great with this career.”

“I bet.” She laughed.

“So what's up. I don’t think you called me this early to talk about my sleep habits.”

“No. I’m sorry. I hate to ask this. I know we haven’t talked in a long time and if you don’t want to do it, just tell me. I’ll understand.”

“Alison, is everything okay?”

She almost cried at the concern in his voice. He was such a nice guy. “I don’t know. You know I’m married and before we married, we signed a contract.”

“A prenup. It’s common especially for people with Harker’s kind of money. You did have a lawyer, right?”


“Oh, Alison.”

“I know. I know. Harker told me to hire one, but I didn’t think I needed to. I trusted him and…”

“And now things aren’t so great. I get that.”

“Is that what happened with you and Lisa?”

“Yeah. Kind of. Things fizzled out. I guess, I wasn’t the one for her. She wanted someone more…exciting.”

“She’s a fool.”

“No. They were right at the Club. When someone describes me, they can use those same terms to describe a dog.”

“That’s not true.” She felt horrible. Harker was such an ass for saying it.

“Yes, it is.” There was a smile in his tone.

“People love dogs.”

“True.” He laughed.

“And women grow up and exciting isn’t as attractive as someone you can trust.” Her voice cracked. She’d thought she could trust Harker.

“I’m sorry. Is he cheating on you?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“If he is and we can prove it, we may be able to get around the prenup.”

“Uhm. This is a little embarrassing. It wasn't exactly a prenup that I signed.”

“What did you sign?”

“Please don’t judge me.”
