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“Oh. Yeah.” He stood, lifting her with him as he grabbed a chair and sat, pulling her onto his lap. He trailed featherlike kisses along her neck and shoulder.

She relaxed against him. She could stay like this forever—his strong arms around her and his dick still buried inside her.

“Forgive me Alison.” He kissed her ear.

“Always.” She turned and kissed him. She loved him too much to do anything else.

CHAPTER 63: Alison

Alison sat in her office, daydreaming. The last few days had been better than wonderful. After work she and Harker would have dinner and watch TV or talk. She’d snuggle against his side, listening to his heartbeat. Other nights, they’d lie in bed and watch porn. Once she’d even read some kinky romance stories to him. She shivered at the memory. Harker was always good in bed but that night he’d been…inspired. She’d barely been able to walk the next day. His cocky smirk every time he’d see her wince when she sat made her want to slap him and kiss him senseless.

Alison’s phone rang and her stomach twisted as bile rose in her throat. She put her head between her legs and took deep breaths until her nausea eased. Her phone stopped ringing and then it beeped. She forced herself to look at the screen and she almost sank into her chair. It’d been Ellie not Dan.

She should’ve never asked him to look over the contract. Harker would be so hurt if he knew she hadn’t trusted him. It was too late anyway. She’d signed it already. She should call Dan and tell him to forget it but whenever she picked up the phone something stopped her.

Every day, she’d spend hours convincing herself that Harker would respect this decision. He’d told her to get a lawyer before she’d signed the contract. What difference did it make if she did it now? Then every time her phone rang or beeped, she’d panic, knowing that no matter what she told herself this would hurt him deeply. She may not have had a reason to trust him before, but she should trust him now. It wasn’t worth ruining whatever was happening between them. She picked up her phone. She was calling Dan.

“Alison, get in here,” bellowed Harker from down the hall.

“Maybe we should’ve kept playing that game,” she mumbled to herself as she dropped her phone on her desk and pressed the button for Harker’s Barker-Meter. She burst out laughing when it spit out, Alison, get in here now. “Close enough.” She stood and headed to Harker’s office.

He sat behind his desk, glaring at his computer.

She tapped on the door. “You bellowed, my lord?”

He looked up, his dark eyes hot. “Come here. And close the door behind you.”

Her body melted at the look in his eyes and the promise in his voice. She stepped inside, shutting the door but didn’t move any closer. They’d had sex in his office before but usually it was later in the day. They always quit early and went home because a quick wham-bam wasn’t ever enough for him.

“I said come here.” He pushed back from his desk.

“Harker, I have a lot of work to do.”

“I don’t care.” He stood.

Her eyes skimmed down his body. His dick was already tenting his pants. She bit her lip, unable to pull her gaze away from his cock. “It’s not even ten o’clock.” She lowered her voice. “We just had sex.”

“Who said anything about sex?”

Her eyes darted up to his. “Oh…” She flushed. “It’s just that”—she waved her hand at his erection—"and your tone. It’s the same when we’re…in the bedroom and…”

“Take off your clothes, Alison.” He unhooked his belt and her knees actually knocked together.

She’d didn’t hesitate as she pulled off her shirt. She’d learned to love a man with a belt in his hands.

CHAPTER 64: Harker

Alison shimmied out of her underwear and Harker’s dick grew even harder as he saw the wetness glistening in the curls between her legs.

“Hold out your hands.” His cock almost exploded when she obeyed without hesitation. He wrapped his belt around her wrists and tightened it. “Now, you’re mine.”

“I was yours the second I heard that tone in your voice.” Her eyes were dark and heavy with desire.

“Prove it. Get on your knees.” He took her arm, helping her to kneel before him. “Open your mouth and look at me.”

She stared up at him, her pink tongue slipping out to wet her bottom lip. He unzipped his pants, pulling out his cock and tapping it against her cheek. His precum glistened on her face.

“Stick out your tongue.” When she did, he slapped his dick against it, loving the hot wetness that teased his sensitive tip. “That’s it.” He slid inside her mouth and she closed around him, sucking. “Fuck. Yes.” He clasped her hair, tangling it in his fist as she sucked him, bobbing up and down on his cock. Her mouth felt fucking perfect. “Look at me.”
