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“What’s the matter? Are they okay?”

“Yeah, but I have to go.”

“Go where? Do you mean you need to get off the phone or are you leaving? Where are you going?”

“You’ve been hanging out with Alison too long.” Adrian laughed.

“Very funny. Where are they?”

“I can’t tell you that, but I will tell you that now you should be worried.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” He’d already been worried. He pulled his car out of the garage.

“I still can’t tell you but think about it.” Adrian walked back into the noisy room. “Gotta run fellas. Stay. Have fun. I’ll be back later.”

“Tell me where they are,” he almost shouted.

“You’re a smart guy. Where is the one place in the world that you love taking your woman, but you wouldn’t want her there without you?”

“I'm in no mood for riddles.”

“If I were you, I’d figure it out because at this place she just might decide to suck some guy’s dick.” Adrian hung up.

“Fuck.” Harker tossed his phone on the passenger seat. He hated riddles. He drove down the driveway. He wouldn’t want her going to a bad part of town without him, but he wouldn’t want to take her there either. He’d take her to a bar or nightclub, but he wouldn’t want her going to them without him, especially…His foot slammed on the brakes. “Holy shit. She’s at the Club.”

Book 3: The Baby Battle

CHAPTER 1: Alison

Alison grabbed Ellie’s arm as she followed her friend into La Petite Mort Club. “Have you ever been here without Adrian?” The Club seemed a bit intimidating without Harker.

“Twice. The night I came to yell at him and the night I met him. Marc was late, remember?”

“Oh, that’s right. And you weren’t nervous?”

“A little but it’s just a bar, Alison.” Ellie walked across the room as if she belonged there.

“Where people have sex.” She envied Ellie’s confidence. She was more of a stay in the background kind of person.

“Not much different than other nightclubs.”

“Really?” Her eyes darted to one of the stages where a domme punished her sub with a whip. “At what club have you seen that happen?”

Ellie laughed as she made her way through the crowd and up to the bar. “None but we’ve both seen couples who you knew were going to do something like that at home. This place is just more open about it.” She pulled out a chair and sat. “It’s actually safer here. Everyone is up front about what they want and if you tell them you aren’t interested, they accept your refusal and move on. Good luck getting that at a traditional nightclub. The guys there are positive that you want them, and if you disagree, they’re determined to show you that you’re wrong.”

“I guess.” She sat next to her friend. “It just feels…different.”

“Without Harker you mean?”

“Yeah. And stop.”

“Stop what?”

“Thinking there’s more to my statement than there is. I just felt safe with him here and without him, I feel like…I don’t know…a piece of meat.” A sexy guy smiled at her from across the bar.

“And why is that different than any other club?”

“Because everyone is here for sex.”

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