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“What are you talking about?” He laughed.

“I've never met anyone as positive as Alison in my life. No matter what, she was always full of happy energy but now, she’s quiet and sad.”

“There’s nothing I can do about it until she’s willing to talk to me.” But he knew what Merri meant. He missed Alison’s vibrancy and her spirit. He missed his Alison.

“That’s bullshit.” Merri stood. “You did something to make her this miserable and you need to fix it.”

“Thank you for your marital advice.”

“Don’t be a condescending ass. Fix it.”

“I can’t. She won’t talk to me.”

“Then make her listen.” Merri sat back down, and her tone softened. “She’s good for you. I’ve never seen you happier than you have been since you married her.”

“There’s nothing I can do until she’s willing to talk to me,” he repeated.

“Don’t tell me that. I’ve seen you turn the world upside down to go after a business deal and this is a lot more important than that.”

“What I need to change…I can’t do it if she’s mad at me.” His voice cracked. “I might lose her.”

“You’re going to lose her like this.” She stood again. “There has to be something you can do.”

“Maybe.” He turned back to his computer and opened his email. He hated taking Adrian’s advice but sending a letter to his lawyer and telling him to remove the addendum to the monogamy clause just might work. That might be enough to get her to listen to him and then he could suggest what he really wanted—a real marriage with her.

CHAPTER 5: Alison

Alison stepped off the elevator in the building where Dan worked. She glanced around the lobby, looking for the restroom just in case she had to throw up. Whatever Dan had to tell her had to be bad because he’d refused to say anything over the phone.

“Hey, Alison.” Dan stepped out of an office. “This way.” He started down the hallway.

She followed him. “How bad is it?” She was terrified to find out.

“I think it's better if you hear it from Terry.”

“You can go right in,” said a woman who sat at a desk in front of an office.

“There were some things in that contract that…Let me just say I've never seen a contract like that one.” Dan stepped aside, letting her proceed him into the room.

The office was decorated in a simple style that screamed understated but expensive. An older man, probably in his forties or fifties, stood from his desk as she entered. He was tall, in excellent shape and attractive with an air about him that clearly stated he was in charge. He reminded her a little of Harker—rich, powerful and he knew it.

“Mrs. Harker, I’m Terry Sullivan.” He held out his hand and she shook it. “Dan asked me to look over your contract.”

“Yes, thank you for taking the time.” Her words were a whisper.

“The first thing I need to know is if you’ve signed it. The copy that we received didn’t have any signatures, but Dan believes that you’ve already signed this.”

“Yes, Dan’s right. I already signed it.” Her throat was dry, and her stomach twisted. “Is that a problem?” Her legs felt like they were made from jelly. She feared that whatever she found out would hurt her in a way she’d never imagined.

“Please. Have a seat.” Terry sat, a frown on his handsome face.

Alison sat, her back stiff, trying to convince herself that she could handle this no matter what it was. “How bad is it?”

Dan sat on the chair next to hers.

“Dan has already discussed the monogamy addendum with you, correct?” Terry handed her a copy of the contract.

“Yes. I understand that even though the monogamy clause states we’re both to be monogamous, the addendum clarifies it so that I’m the only one who actually must remain faithful.” She was still furious about how sneaky Harker had been and how stupid she’d been to trust him.
