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“I sure as hell can.” He tightened his hold on her hand. “I’m not leaving her. She’s in pain.”

“She's having a baby. That's part of it,” said the nurse.

“Her water broke.”

“I know, sir, but we can’t allow your car to block the emergency entrance.”

“Harker, please.” Alison squeezed his hand. “Move the car. I’ll be fine.”

“They can fu…tow my car for all I care.”

“Please, Harker. Move the car and call my mom. I want her here.” Her face tightened and she gasped before breathing in pants again.

“Okay.” Letting go of her hand was the hardest thing he’d ever done.

CHAPTER 3: Harker

The next thirty-five hours were worse than Harker could’ve ever imagined. Alison had done everything she was supposed to do, but the baby wouldn’t come. There was nothing he could do to help, except stand by her side and hold her hand. She was beyond exhausted. Her face was pale, and her eyes were unfocused. He wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

“Have some ice.” Estelle, Alison’s mom, was on the other side of the bed. She slid another ice chip in Alison’s mouth. She smiled pleasantly, but there was fear in her warm brown eyes and a tension in her face that Harker didn’t even want to think about.

He’d never been in a delivery room, but since Alison had gotten pregnant, he’d read a lot about having babies. He knew it took time, especially with the first one, but something wasn’t right. He felt it in his gut.

“Alison, I need you to push again,” said Dr. Shupal.

“I can’t,” whispered Alison as she looked up at him, scared and broken.

He’d never been so terrified in his life. This wasn’t the woman he knew. His Alison was strong and feisty; this woman would never make it. He had to find his Alison. He did the only thing he could think to do. He barked orders at her. “Damn it, Alison. You can. Push. Now. Or are you quitting? Are you giving up?” He wanted to shout in triumph as anger flared in her eyes.

“Go to hell.” She screamed, her grip tightening on his hand to the point of pain as another contraction tore through her body.

“That's it, honey,” said Estelle. “You’re doing great. Just push. The baby will come when it's ready.”

“It's ready. I'm ready. I can't do this anymore.” Alison’s body collapsed as the contraction eased.

“Do something.” He turned to the doctor. “You heard her. She tried but she’s done. She can’t do this. Fucking do something.”

The doctor ignored him. “Keep pushing, Alison. We need a long, hard push now.”

“I…ca…” Alison screamed, her nails digging into Harker's hand.

“That’s it. Good. Again,” said Dr. Shupal.

“I…can’t.” She sobbed, the sound ripping Harker’s heart from his chest.

“Please, Alison.” He pushed some hair from her face. “You can do this. You’re the strongest person I know.”

“She’s almost here,” said Dr. Shupal. “Just one more push. You can do it. Now.”

Alison screamed, her body tightening and shaking. Harker tried not to wince as she squeezed his hand so tight he thought his bones were breaking.

“That’s it. She’s here.” The doctor stood, smiling and holding a baby.

“My baby.” Alison collapsed onto the bed. “I want to see my baby.”

Harker’s hand tightened around Alison’s. The baby was bloody and so small and quiet. The nurse and doctor placed the baby on Alison’s stomach, cleaning it and clearing its mouth and nose. Harker’s heart slowed, every beat like an eternity as he waited for his child to cry, to move, to do something…and then the baby squalled, long and loud.

“It’s a girl,” said Estelle. “I have a granddaughter.” A huge smile spread across her face as she moved to get a closer look.

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