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“Because she didn't choose to sign up for that class.” Ellie stood.

“Where are you going?”

“To see Alison.”

“That’s it? That’s all of the story?” He needed more information.

“Yeah, that's it.”

“What the hell does it mean? What are you trying to tell me?”

“Figure it out.” She walked away.

He stared after her before yelling, “I'm more confused than I was before.”

Her laughter drifted down the hallway. What in the hell was she trying to tell him to do? Should he get Alison art stuff? Should he find that fucking teacher and pay for private lessons? Fuck, he hated talking to women. They made no sense.

CHAPTER 9: Harker

The more Harker thought about what Ellie had told him the more pissed off he got. So Alison had a habit of dumping what she enjoyed, what made her happy, because it hadn’t been her idea. That was just perfect. Their entire marriage had been doomed from the start since it’d been his idea to have a child. She was so fucking stubborn. He wanted to go into the hospital room and shake some sense into her.

“Hey, Harker.” Ethan stopped in front of him.

“Hey. What are—”

“Let’s get out of here.”

“And go where?” The only place he wanted to be was inside that room with his wife and daughter, but he was no longer welcome.

“Anywhere but here.”

He stared down the hallway at the door to Alison’s room.

“Come on. You don’t want to talk to her now. You’ll just fuck it up even more.”

“I don’t think that’s possible, but I could use a drink or a dozen drinks.” He stood. Getting drunk never helped in the long run, but right now, short term worked for him.

“That’s perfect because I know a place that serves.” Ethan smiled.

“One second.” He walked to the desk and handed the hippo and the bag to the nurse. “Can you take this to room…Oh, wait.” He turned. “Tiff.”

Aunt Tiff walked toward them. “Harker? Is everything okay with Alison and the baby?”

“Yeah. Fine, but can you take these? I have to go.” He handed her the toy and the bag.

“Oh. Sure.” She took them, looking confused.

“Thanks.” He gave Ethan a shove and then followed him down the long hospital corridor. It was as lifeless and empty as he felt. “So why are you here?”

“I was going to stop by tonight to congratulate you on the baby, but Terry called and suggested I get here sooner rather than later.”

“That’s right. That little peckerheaded friend of Alison’s did say he worked for Terry.”

“Yep. I don't know the details. Terry can't go into them, but I guess he signed Alison on as a client months ago.”

“Yeah. That’s when my marriage really went to shit. I told her to hire a fucking lawyer before she signed the contract. Did she? No. And for some fucked up reason that’s my fault.” He wanted to put his fist through the wall. “You know what? It doesn’t matter. None of it matters now. It’s over.”

“Don’t be too fast to throw this away. You’re in love with her.”
