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“Please.” He held up his hand. “Don’t lecture me about consent.”

“Fine, but I think you should look up the definition.”

“Fuck off.”

Ethan laughed as he pulled the car into the parking lot at La Petite Mort Club.

“How am I supposed to fix this?” He had no idea what to do. He’d used hard work and manipulation almost his entire life. It’d become easier once he’d been able to add money to the mix, but none of those tactics were going to convince Alison to give him another chance.

“I’d suggest honesty and commitment.”

“I’m not sure that’ll work with her anymore.” He wasn’t sure he was brave enough to try. Alison had already eviscerated him. If he put it all out there—his feelings, himself—and she still walked away, he might not survive.

“Do you want to wonder for years about what could’ve been if only you’d been completely honest with her? Do you think your pride is going to comfort you when she marries some other guy and is pregnant with his child instead of yours?”

“Shut the fuck up.” The thought of Alison pregnant and with some other guy tore him apart. He’d never survive that. “Take me home. I have a baby's room to finish and a master bedroom to prepare for my wife.”

CHAPTER 10: Harker

It was late when Harker crept into the hospital room.

“Shhh. Alison and the baby are sleeping,” Estelle whispered as she hurried over to him, grabbing his arm and ushering him back into the hallway. She closed the door behind them, her voice raising. “Where have you been? Work is not as important as your wife and child.”

“I know that, and I wasn’t working. Not in the way you think. I got the house ready so I can take them home as soon as they’re released.”

“You should’ve told us.” The anger disappeared from her face. “Alison has been worried all day. She spent most of the time crying.”

“She did?” Maybe he had a better chance than he’d thought. “I te—"

“Don't let her tears bother you too much.” Estelle started rattling on, reminding him of Alison. “New mothers will do that. Her hormones are going crazy right now. You’ll have to be patient and understanding.” She sighed. “Really, really patient. I told her you were fine and that she had no reason to worry, but she kept crying.” She patted his arm. “There’ll be some rough months ahead, but you’ll pull through it as long as you support and love each other. And”—her lips thinned—“let each other know where you are and what you’re doing.”

“I texted her and told her I was getting the house ready.” He wasn’t giving Alison any reason to think he was out having an affair.

“You did? Hmm. She didn’t mention that. It was probably just her hormones then.” She squeezed his arm. “I'm going to go home and get some rest. I’ll see you two…you three tomorrow.”

“Night…Good night,” he corrected as he walked into the room, the soft lights on the wall helping him make his way over to the crib without stumbling. The baby was sleeping. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, and she was his—he glanced at Alison—and so was she. A sense of rightness settled over him. This was where he was supposed to be—with them, with his family.

CHAPTER 11: Alison

Alison woke, her eyes burning from crying most of yesterday. She should be relieved that this was over, but she wasn’t. She sat up, her gaze falling on the man who’d caused her tears.

Harker was sleeping in a chair by the crib, his large body twisted in a position that looked like it could’ve been designed by the Spanish Inquisition. Her heart softened and she smiled at the big goof. She had no idea why he hadn’t slept on the Murphy bed. He didn’t even have a cover and it was cold in here. She grabbed one of the extra blankets from the foot of her bed. Sleeping without covers seemed to be a habit of his. He’d done it when he’d fallen asleep on the couch on their wedding night. She dropped the blanket. She couldn’t do this. She had to remember that they weren’t together anymore.

His eyes opened and he stretched. She considered sliding back down and pretending to be asleep but delaying this conversation wouldn’t make it easier.

“Hey.” His voice was rough with sleep.

The sound sent memories crashing through her—mornings tucked close to his naked body, his voice in her ear, the stubble from his cheek rough against her skin as he kissed her neck and then made his way between her legs. She shivered with desire before pushing the memories away. She couldn’t let herself think about those things.

“Are you cold?” He stood and grabbed a blanket from the foot of her bed. It was the same one she’d been going to use to cover him. “Here.”

“I’m not cold.”

“Are you sure?” He opened it, placing it over her legs.

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“You shivered. I don’t want you to get sick. You have to be worn down after what you went through.” His eyes were so warm and soft, filled with concern and something else that she refused to even think about.
