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“I…That wasn’t real.”

“It was a real minister,” said Mom.

The nurse walked in, pushing a wheelchair. “It’s time to go home.”

Harker was at her side in a second, helping her out of the bed. She didn’t want to lean on him, to need his help, but the truth was, she did. She was still so sore from having Irene.

“Thank you.” She looked up at him as he helped her to sit in the wheelchair. Her throat tightened. This was it—the end of them. It hurt horribly, but she forced herself to smile. “You can come over anytime to see Irene.”

“About that,” said her mother.

Her smile froze on her face. Mom had never agreed to let her and the baby stay there. “Are you saying that we can’t go home with you?”

“Of course not.” Mom frowned at her. “You are always welcome to come back home.”

“Thank you.” Relief washed through her.

“But I've also invited your husband to stay.”

“You did what?” She almost choked on the words.

“Irene is his child too and you're going to need help. Caring for a newborn isn’t easy.”

“But…but I thought you and Aunt Tiff—”

“Oh, darling.” Aunt Tiff walked over to her. “I love you, but I need my sleep.” She kissed Alison’s forehead. “You and your husband made this baby, and you get to take care of her together.”

“No.” She shook her head. She was not sleeping in that bed with him. Her bed at her mom’s was only a full-sized mattress. She couldn’t even roll away from him in that tiny space.

“So, it’s settled then.” Mom smiled at the nurse. “Tiff, you’re with me. Alison and Irene will ride with Harker.” She glanced at him. “That’s okay with you, right?”

“Absolutely.” He dug in his pocket for his keys, his half-assed grin sliding off his face as he glanced at Alison.

She wanted to shout that it wasn’t okay with her, but the nurse started pushing the wheelchair down the hallway. This was not over. He was not staying there with her. No way. No how.

CHAPTER 16: Alison

Alison pretended to sleep as Harker moved quietly about the room. No matter how much she’d argued, her mother had refused to change her mind about Harker staying there. She’d given up for the night and had gone to her room over an hour ago.

Harker slowly got into the bed. She almost laughed at him trying to be unobtrusive. Even in his huge bed, the man was hard to ignore, but in her tiny bed it was impossible. The entire left side of his body pressed against her right side, filling her with warmth and memories she’d rather forget.

She tried to keep her breathing slow and steady to feign sleep, but it was hard. She hadn't shared a bed with him in months, and she’d missed it…him. Not just the sex. Lord, she’d missed that, but she’d missed hearing his breathing in the darkness and feeling his heat and strength next to her even more.

The baby squawked a little and Harker started to get up.

She grabbed his arm. “I don't think she's awake,” she whispered. “I think she's just moving or—”

“Dreaming?” His voice was gruff as he stared at her hand on his arm.

“Yes.” She let go of him like he was on fire. “Or dreaming.” She rolled onto her side, facing away from him.

Silence filled the room as she waited for him to lay down, but the bed never shifted. He must still be sitting up and staring at her. She swore she could feel the heat from his gaze.

“I want you to know that me staying here wasn't my idea. Your mother suggested it.”

“You could’ve refused.”

“Refuse to be with my daughter? I’ll never do that.”
