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He hurried down the hallway and into his house. It was quiet. Too quiet. This couldn’t be happening. It was like his mother all over again. One minute she was there and the next…gone. He ran to the bedroom, skidding to a halt in the doorway. Irene was in her crib, and Alison was sleeping in the center of their bed. His heart slowed as he leaned against the doorframe, and then he grinned. Alison held his pillow, her face tucked into the softness. He wanted to shout in triumph. He still had a chance.

CHAPTER 24: Alison

Alison groaned as the baby’s cries rose to almost a shriek.

“I got her.” Harker’s tone was rough from sleep.

“It’s my turn.” She sat up.

“I’m already up. Go back to sleep.”

She didn’t argue. She slid back down onto the bed, exhausted. It seemed like only a few minutes before Harker was shaking her, the baby still screaming.

“Alison, where’s the bottle?”

“Huh,” she mumbled, still half-asleep.

“The bottle. Irene’s hungry.” He kissed the baby’s head. “Starving by the fuss she’s making.”

Alison’s mind wasn’t awake enough to remember that this man had tricked her, manipulated her and had forced her to stay with him like a prisoner. Instead, all her sleep fogged brain saw was this big, strong man with bags under his eyes holding that tiny baby as carefully as if she were glass. His expression filled with love—unconditional and pure—as he kissed his daughter.

His eyes met hers, and his darkened to warm chocolate. She swallowed. She was vulnerable right now. Exhausted. Her hormones were running rampant. She had to focus. She needed to remember everything he’d done and not get caught up in this tender moment. She’d never doubted he’d be a good father.

“I fell asleep before I pumped.” She started to get up to take Irene into the other room and feed her.

“She’s starving. Feed her here.” He handed her the baby before she could sit up.


“Yeah.” He bent, leaning over her.

Alison’s insides tightened. He was going to kiss her. She should stop him, but her mouth opened slightly, waiting for his kiss.

“Tell Mommy to hurry up.” His lips brushed the top of Irene’s head.

Alison quickly closed her mouth as he straightened. She was glad he hadn’t kissed her. Really, she was. It would’ve just confused things.

He walked back to his side and crawled into bed. “Is something wrong?” He rolled to his side, staring at her as the baby cried.

“No.” She hesitated. Harker had seen her breastfeed before but baring herself while he lay next to her was somehow more intimate. She was being silly. This was natural and not at all sexy. She raised her shirt and moved her nipple to the baby’s mouth. She glanced up. The few times she’d breastfed in their bed he’d turned away, giving her privacy, but this time he watched her feed their child. His dark gaze made Alison’s body ignite. He ran his hand over the baby’s head, so close to Alison’s breast that she could feel his warmth.

His eyes met hers. “You’re so beautiful.”

“You’re just saying—”

“Don’t argue with me about this.” He touched her lips. “Please. Just accept the compliment.”

She nodded and tried to focus on their child, but she was too aware of him—only inches away, his body warm and strong.

“You’re leaking.” His voice was gruff.

“What?” She glanced down. A large wet spot stained the other side of her shirt. “Time to switch.” She lifted her shirt to offer her other breast to Irene.

“I think she’s done.” Harker’s voice was like gravel, rough and coarse.

“Oh. Yeah. I guess she is.” The baby’s eyes were closed, and Alison’s nipple had slipped from Irene’s mouth.

“She must not have been too hungry.” Harker’s finger skimmed along the baby’s cheek so close to Alison’s nipple that her pussy clenched with need. His eyes lifted to hers, and they were as dark as night and filled with a heat she hadn’t seen in too long.
