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Harker was going to kiss her. Her stomach started to shimmy up her throat and everything slowed down. He lowered his face toward hers. She didn’t mean to move but the next thing she knew she’d shifted away from him. His eyes darkened and his frown deepened, showing his dimples. Then everything sped up as if released from a spring. He captured her chin in his hand and the warmth of his touch on her cool skin made her shiver. His mouth lowered. She had to do this. She had to get it over with. She leaned forward as he bent, and her forehead slammed into his nose.

“Son of a bitch.” His hand dropped from her chin and grabbed his face.

She stood on tiptoes and kissed the back of his hand before turning and smiling at the crowd. “We’re married.”

Everyone stared past her. Their faces filled with surprise. She glanced behind her. Harker’s head was tipped back, and his once pristine white shirt was splattered with blood.

“Oh my.” She should help him but instead she edged away.

“Oh, no.” He reached out, grabbing her hand and stopping her from running down the aisle away from him.

CHAPTER 20: Harker

“I think it’s time for us to go.” Tobias finished his drink and stood.

“Already?” It was late but Harker wasn’t eager to be alone with his bride. He’d spent the day chasing her down and holding her hand to stop her from running away from him. What he hadn’t been able to do was to keep her from drinking. The last time he’d seen her, which was over two hours ago, she’d been well on her way to plastered. He’d never expected to marry but if he had this was the exact opposite of how he would’ve imagined his wedding day.

“Yes. We’re the last ones here besides Adrian and Ellie. Even Alison’s mom has gone home,” said Tobias.

“Harker, take some time off.” Merri stood from the chair next to her husband. “Go on a honeymoon. Get to know each other as people not boss and employee.”

“It’s Saturday. We have all day tomorrow.”

“Wow. One day.” Merri gave Tobias a disbelieving look.

“We discussed this, and you heard Alison say that we didn’t need a honeymoon. We both prefer to work.”

“What was she supposed to say when you explained how it wasn’t a real marriage?” asked Merri. “The only answer she could give and not be humiliated was to agree with you.”

“Humiliated? Why would she be humiliated?” If anyone was humiliated it was him. At least he wasn’t counting the seconds until they could divorce.

“Ask her what she wants to do, Harker. Talk to her.”

“No need. She made it clear.” A woman who couldn’t spend thirty minutes standing next to him in a crowd of her friends wouldn’t want to spend hours alone with him. Nope, working would be the best thing for both of them.

Merri walked over to him and hugged him before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Unless she told you in words, you’re assuming, and you shouldn’t do that. Ask her. You’re married now. She’s a wonderful person. Make the best of this.”

“We both know what to expect from this marriage.” He’d given Merri and Tobias a shortened version of his and Alison’s arrangement when he’d invited them to the wedding.

“Are you sure about that?” Merri gently touched his nose.

“Hey.” He pulled his head away. “That hurts.”

“I bet.” Tobias laughed, taking Merri’s hand. “I have to say this is the first wedding I’ve been to where the bride broke the groom’s nose.”

“Me too.” Adrian walked into the room. “I’m so glad I filmed this.”

“It’s not broken.” He touched it carefully. “And you’d better not release that. I’ll sue your ass.”

“Too late.” Adrian plopped his large body onto a chair.

“Good night. See you online.” Tobias laughed and turned to Adrian. “Email me that link.”

“Will do.” Adrian pulled out his phone as Tobias and Merri left.

“Delete it,” he said.

“I can’t. You know the Internet. Once it’s out there, it’s out there.” Adrian grinned as he took a sip of his beer.
