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“What did I do? I told you I liked the gray one.”

“The gray one made my butt look huge.” She glanced over her shoulder, frowning at the lush, soft ass he’d been fantasizing about for months.

He’d imagined all sorts of activities with that butt—slapping it, kissing it, bending her over and watching his dick slide between those perfect round globes. “Well, I liked it.” Not that it mattered what he liked but it should. His opinion should be the only one that mattered to her.

“You have no taste.”

“I have taste.” In his dreams he’d tasted her–over and over again, night after night.

It was Thursday evening and he’d had little to no sleep since Sunday. Every day, he’d worked until he couldn’t keep his eyes open but once he dropped onto his bed, his exhaustion was replaced by lust. He could still smell the faint scent of her shampoo and perfume in his bed.

His mind would wander, imagining her in those baggy plaid pajamas sleeping so innocently down the hall from him. What would she do if he crept into her room and began to kiss her? He’d start at her feet and kiss his way up her body. He’d slide those giant pajama bottoms off and bury his face between her thighs. She’d taste so sweet as she wiggled and moaned, finally waking. Her eyes would flutter open and meet his. That’s when his masturbatory fantasy turned into a dick destroying nightmare. Recognition would flare in her sleepy eyes right before she’d burst out laughing and every night his dick sagged in his hand.

He’d tried everything to find his release—remembering past lovers, imagining new lovers but nothing worked. His mind always went back to Alison in those ugly plaid pajamas.

“Don’t worry.” Alison patted his shoulder like he was some old man or small boy. “Your rescue is here.” She waved at someone behind him.

He turned as Ellie walked toward them.

“Sorry I’m late. I just got out of work.” Ellie hugged Alison and then smiled at him. “Harker.”

“Ellie.” Usually, he liked Alison’s friend but today he loved her. “Is it really okay if I go? Seriously, you won’t be mad?” He knew women and this seemed like a trap.

“Please. Go.” Alison shoved him. “You weren’t any help anyway.”

“Thank God.” He turned, ready to run for the door but stopped. “Ellie, she’s to buy skirts or dresses. Don’t let her get pants, slacks, shorts, jeans, capris, or anything else that isn’t a skirt or dress.”

“What about a kilt? May I buy one of those?” Alison asked sarcastically.

His mind shot back to those plaid pajamas and his voice was huskier than he would’ve liked when he said, “Yeah, a kilt will be fine.”

“They don’t wear anything under a kilt, do they?” asked Ellie.

“Then a kilt would be perfect.” His eyes raked over Alison. Her cheeks flushed and he grinned. That was the first reaction she’d given him that made him think she was starting to see him as a fuckable man.

CHAPTER 35: Alison

“You have got to help me.” Alison begged Ellie. “I hate skirts and dresses. They always make my ass look huge and that makes my breasts look even smaller.”

“I’m glad to see you’ve changed your mind about Harker.” Ellie grabbed Alison’s hand and led her out of that store and toward a different one.

“Changed my mind? What are you talking about?”

“You want to look nice for him.” Ellie smiled. “I get it but trust me, I think Harker likes how you look.”

“Hardly.” Alison’s spirits, already low from not finding anything that didn’t make her look like a pear, just became subterranean.

“Why do you think that and don’t take how eager he was to get out of here as an indication. Men, especially ones like him, hate to shop.”

“Even I know that.” She truly wasn’t offended that he’d practically charged out of the store like it was on fire. “I only brought him because I made him buy two pairs of jeans.”

“You said he never wears jeans.”

“He doesn’t but if he wants me to wear a skirt or dress then he has to wear jeans.”

“And he agreed?” Ellie stopped in the middle of the mall walkway.

“Yeah. Why are you smiling?” Her friend had a stupid look on her face.
