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“I’m not ready for the stage or the flogger or—”

“Okay.” He rolled to his side, so he could look in her eyes. “I’ll take you around the Club and let you watch. We’ll see what turns you on and you can tell me what you want to try.” He ignored his disappointment at her slight frown. He wanted her in this part of his life, but it was her decision. This was the one area where he wouldn’t even attempt to manipulate her. “Or not. It’s entirely up to you.”

“Oh, no. I want to.” She grimaced slightly. “My mom would die if she knew. No, she’d kill me. No, she’d kill you for corrupting me. Then she’d kill me for allowing myself to be corrupted and then she’d die.”

He kissed her quickly to stop her from rambling. “Forget about your mom. Do you want to experience the Club?”

“I do.”

He grinned. He was happier than he’d been in…forever. “This is a much better wedding night than our last one.”

“Yes, it is, and I didn’t even break your nose.” She laughed.

“I was a little nervous about kissing you again. I figured the next time I’d probably be permanently maimed.”

“Don’t be a baby. It wasn’t that bad. Just a little knock on the nose.”

He pulled her closer, letting her feel his dick as it stiffened. He stared into her soft brown eyes. He should keep his mouth shut but he wanted to know what went on in that brilliant mind of hers. “If you wanted to see the Club, why did you frown? And don’t tell me it was because of your mother. We both know that she doesn’t approve of premarital sex but that didn’t stop you from doing it.”

“I didn’t frown.”

“You did.” He kissed her. “This won’t work if you’re not completely open and honest with me. I have to know you to know what pleases you.”

“Completely honest?”

“Yes.” He was starting to get nervous.

“Okay.” She frowned again. “I do want to see the Club.”

He braced himself for the worst word in the English language—“but”.

“We can go whenever you want,” she continued. “But I’d rather stay here.” She slid her leg over his, opening herself for him. “The Club is interesting, but I like being alone in bed with you better.”

Damn, that hadn’t been painful at all. “Good because I wasn’t talking about tonight.” He kissed her because he just couldn’t resist. She truly wanted him. “We’ll come back next weekend and I’ll show you some more, but tonight you aren’t getting away from me.” His hand drifted between her legs. “I can show you plenty of kink right here.”

CHAPTER 11: Alison

Alison didn’t bother to answer as Harker bellowed for her, his voice echoing through the hallway. He knew where she was. They’d left the Club around eleven that morning because even though it was Sunday, he’d had a business call. She’d gone to her office to work and he’d been pestering her since about two that afternoon.

“You’d better be closing that computer,” he yelled.

Damn that man. Just the sound of his deep voice was enough to make her body purr, bringing back memories of his lips on her ear saying the naughtiest things before he did every one of them. His large frame shadowed her doorway.

She glanced up from the computer. “You bellowed?”

“Aren’t you done yet?” He leaned against the door frame, looking sexy as hell. His five o’clock shadow darkened his lean cheeks. His white business shirt was partially unbuttoned and untucked as if someone had interrupted him while dressing and he wore those blue jeans that made her mouth water. She’d chosen faded ones, but she swore they were already more faded where his cock rubbed against the fabric.

“No, I still have a lot of work to do because someone took me away for a wonderful weekend.” She wanted to run across the room and jump his bones but that’d have to wait.

“It’s still the weekend. Officially, we’re still on our honeymoon.”

“True and I’ll be done soon.”

“You said that at two o’clock and then four o’clock.” He looked at his watch. “It’s now five after seven.”

“Seven? Oh, I’m sorry. I had no idea it was so late. Did you eat?” She touched her stomach. “I’m kind of hungry. You must be starving. I snacked on some pretzels while working. Want some?” She held out the bag to him.

“No, I don’t want pretzels. I want you.”
