Page 151 of Not Over You

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“This is it, I promise. You are it for me—you always were Bran, and you always will be. I love you. I will love you for the rest of my life. I won’t ever walk away again,” I swear before he dips to take my mouth in a kiss at the same time he slams inside of me.

“No. No more. Or walk away—you saw me on the field. Who can outrun me when I want to win?”

Laughing before it chokes off into a guttural noise as he starts to thrust, I nod. No one got away from him on the field that is true. Just thinking of him chasing after me the way ran on that field twists something hot inside of me. Coils it hot and tight before I throw my head back and shout his name.

“I’m coming!” I cry, clawing at his powerful shoulders as his hips keep pumping.

“Fuck, you get so tight when you come on my cock,” he bellows, looking down to watch the way I close tight around him, “feels so goddamn good. You get so slippery wet...ahh there it is. Fuck, I love it,” he murmurs as he slows his thrusts, lowering to press me harder into the dock, rocking it with his deep, slow strokes. It’s pure bliss as the root of him rubs against my clit and his hard, thickness fills me again and again.

“Oh yes!” I manage before I shout when he sinks his teeth into my shoulder and starts to pound into me.

“God, I wish you could see how pretty your pussy is taking my cock,” he growls, watching in rapt fascination as he slides in and out of me, the sounds of his skin meeting mine, my wetness, and the rocking dock sounding like an erotic porn.

My skin feels so hot, and it aches where he holds my thighs open so he can watch me taking him. I love the sting of pain as his thickness fills me, as his hips slam into mine, as his fingers dig into my skin, and he grunts about how good I take him. His filthy words make that heat bloom through me like a wildfire, and I twist beneath him.

“Oh, no, you don’t,” he grunts, bending to press his face to my throat, “you take me. You can take me, babe, you can take all of me. You were made to take me,” he swears, pumping into me so fast, so hard, so deep, I see stars and not the ones lighting the dark skies overhead.

“Bran...oh god!” I shout down the stars as he pounds into me relentlessly, relishing the pleasure-pain of how he is taking me. He is punishing me the way he does when we hurt each other. When I walk away. And I welcome it. I need the reminder that hurting him hurts us both. That giving up is not an option.

“Open up for me,” he hisses the demand roughly against my throat, “open up to take my cum. This is it, so I'm getting you pregnant. Come on my cock so you can take every drop of me, I want you tied to me forever. You won’t ever be rid of me.”

“Don’t want to be rid of you,” I murmur back, clawing at his shoulders as he pistons into me savagely, “get me pregnant. Take me to the courthouse. Tie me to you however you want.”

“Ah, fuck. That’s what I needed. Just what I fucking need, babe,” he shouts before he grips my hips and tilts me, intent on getting his seed right where he wants it.

As he jerks inside of me, he catches my gaze and the moment is so intense, I can’t pull enough air into my lungs. It is not this moment that ties me to him, or a moment before a judge, or even a child that would do it. It was the first time we looked at each other just like this and saw the other half of ourselves. That person who knew us like no one else ever would, who let us be our true self.

It took us a lot of hurt and heartache to realize how huge that is. How important we are to one another. I always knew he would be in my life somehow, but for a while, I feared it would be just as a memory. As a part of my life I had to leave behind and let go.

But I was wrong—because there is no letting go or leaving this behind.

“Christ, I love you,” he pants as he falls against me, cupping my face to tilt my head back for a searing kiss.

Both of us fall back on the floating dock, flat on our backs, catching our breath in the warm spring night. His hand reaches for mine between us and I laugh as he slowly laces our fingers together. Just like the first night we were out on this dock, and I dared to kiss him at last. This time, he yanks me hard, both of us laughing now as I fall against his chest.

Beneath the bright full moon, we cuddle there for a long time. We don’t talk because what can you say about a moment so intense? His rough hand brushes down my bare back, soothing us both. When he lifts me sometime later, I don’t need to ask what he wants. Palms flat at his chest, I lift my hips and drop slowly, taking him inside me again.

We rock on the water as I ride him slowly, our eyes locked as our bodies join as one. Throwing my head back, I chant his name, letting him hear what he reduces me to. A needy, carnal, greedy thing that needs him inside me to fill the ache he creates.

Later, we swim in the warm waters, laughing as we tangle together with greedy embraces and lingering kisses. When he carries me out of the water late in the night, he drops me on the sandy shores, falling over me with a thud. I start to chastise him for throwing his big body around that way but when he kneels in front of me, both of us naked as the day we were born, I can’t speak.

“Last time we were here, I had this ring in my pocket,” he whispers roughly, holding a tiny box in his huge hand, “I knew I couldn’t ask you then, because that would have been selfish. To ask you to stay or to ask to come with you. Now, I want to be selfish with you. I don’t care about anything but being with you. I want you for the rest of my life, Pais,” his voice trembles as he clumsily pulls the ring out, “you are the only person for me, the only person I will ever love the way I love you. You are the other half of me, and I can’t go on living without you. I don’t want to. Marry me?”

Tears sting my eyes as I rise on my knees to press close. Nodding my head, I gasp as he pulls my hand to his lips, kissing my finger before sliding the ring on. It’s just what I would have picked. An oval opal is crowned on top and bottom by sparkling diamonds, set in a rose gold band. It shimmers even in the darkness and as he toys with it on my finger, I feel my chest expand as my heart blooms big and bright.

“Yes. I love you, Bran,” I stammer the words, reaching up to tangle my fingers in his dark hair, “can we get married tomorrow? I want to be your wife right now. As soon as I can. I always wanted to be your wife, baby,” I admit on a sob before he scoops me up and carries me to his car.

“If I could ring a justice of the peace right now, we would be married before the sun came up. Think they would care if we just eloped?” He wonders, not seeming to care if they would—they of course being our best friends and our families—as he loads me into the truck.

Laughing as we both sit in his fancy leather seats naked and wet—we left our clothes behind in our haste—I tell him hell yes, they would care. But do we care if they care? Tonight, with joy in my heart and love weighing down my left hand, I sure don’t care. I want to be married to him. I want to start a life with him, right here in Harmony Hollow—where our life was always meant to wind up.

When we drive past where the gallery will be, he teases himself for the messy masterpiece he scrawled on the brick façade. I let him know neither Gabe nor Brady cared—and he tells me of course they didn’t since they gave him permission to paint that plea on the building. He tells me he found out about the gallery being here in town yesterday, when they finalized their deal together.

“They knew? You knew? Why...why didn’t you just come to me?” I ask him as he speeds past, holding my hand tightly in his, his lips brushing over the ring he put there.

“You had to come to me. Well, that was the plan. If you had not found me tonight, I’d have been at your doorstep tomorrow. I had to be sure, babe. Had to be sure this was it for you this time. Like it is for me,” he explains, his voice soft and patient, as if he’s telling me something I should know.

When we pull up to the house, he turns the car off and we both sit there. Dripping wet and smiling like fools at one another. This is how our life should be—and how it will be now. The two of us together, happy, our futures twined together the same way as our pasts. Our path to get here, right where we should be, was not without its bumps, but we got here anyway.
