Page 11 of Pour It On Me

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Auston folded his arms over his chest. “Yeah, you make me curious to know more about you. Like what brought you to Grand Rapids.”

It wasn’t an unusual question for someone to ask when they were getting to know a new acquaintance from out of town, but it was one I had dreaded being asked. In my head, I’d rehearsed my answer so many times. Suddenly, though, I had no idea what to say. It wasn’t a glamorous story.

“Honestly, I just needed a change of scenery. It seemed like the few people I had in the area were gone a lot, and I was just existing in this boring routine.” I shrugged, but Auston moved his head forward as if waiting for me to continue. I sighed. “My best friend met some guy on a flight to Europe a couple months ago, and her two-week vacation turned into a permanent relocation. She fell in love,” I said with air quotes.

His jaw dropped. “Seriously? Just up and left the country for a dude?”

“Well, she left for self-discovery or some shit. She stayed for the dude.” It wasn’t wrong, and I was sure she discovered plenty of parts of herself, just not alone. I shrugged. “I don’t have a lot of people in Detroit anymore now that she’s gone. Plus, I like nature, so I figured… fresh start.”

I like nature? I didn’t know what that was supposed to mean. There were parks in Detroit too, and I never went. I’d been in Grand Rapids for a few weeks, and I had yet to even see the lake. Mostly, I just didn’t like to be alone.

Auston looked introspective. “I’ve always thought about taking off and going somewhere new. Starting over. Being whoever I wanted to be.”

“What’s stopping you?”

“It’s just my twin sister and me, and she’s here,” he said. His eyes were sincere, almost sad, when I looked at him. “I think if I tried to move, she’d either trap me in her apartment or she’d pack her things and come with me. She’s happy here, though.”

“She sounds great. I bet you’re a really good brother too.”

He smirked. “Oh, I am the best brother. Plus, Logan would lose it if I left.”

My stomach soured when he said his name, and I thought of the way he scowled when he ran his hand through his shaggy brown hair. “What is his deal anyway?”

“Who? Logan?” Auston had picked up the rag I tossed on the counter and was wiping up the rings of condensation from glasses no longer sitting on the counter.

I nodded. “I don’t understand why he hates me so much.”

Auston’s shoulders dropped, and his voice was more sincere. “I don’t think he hates you. Logan is a stubborn dick, but he’s a good guy. I think you just intimidate him. Really, he’s just a big softy, but don’t tell him I told you that.” I laughed.

You just intimidate him.

Chapter 9


Icould use a fucking drink. It was one of those days where every little thing annoyed me—the kind of day that would be easily remedied by the fuzzy filter of a good buzz. Throwing the door open, I walked into the still mostly empty establishment and took a seat on the side of the bar.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Ash asked, grabbing for the bottle of gin without waiting for an answer and pouring a shot.

Shrugging, I reached over the counter to grab it from him. “One of those days.”

“Can’t guarantee it’s going to be any better for you here.”

What did he mean by that? I looked around for Auston. It was a Thursday, which meant he was definitely working. He always worked on Thursday nights. Assuming he was in the office, I tossed back the shot and signaled for Ash to refill the glass.

He filled one for himself, tapping it against the one in my hand before he drank it. Just one before the rush. It was the same thing he did every night—one shot before it got wild. He said it made him more fun to be around, and it made the drunk patrons more tolerable. I couldn’t blame him. Most nights, I’d take more than one.

I swallowed the shot, choking when blonde curls bounced around the corner. “Where’s Auston?” I asked without greeting Simone.

“He needed the night off last minute,” she said, dropping the stack of clean towels on the counter.

My stomach churned. “Why didn’t he call me? I’m always his backup on Thursdays.”

“I don’t know, Logan. I guess he knew I didn’t have plans tonight, so here I am.” Simone shrugged, putting folded towels on the shelf beneath the counter and tossing a couple in the bucket of disinfectant that sat by the register to help us with quick cleanups.

I huffed. “That’s bullshit.”

“It’s not a big deal, buddy,” Ash said, walking up when Simone skipped away with the last couple towels. “He knew you were busy with helping your folks.”
