Page 14 of Pour It On Me

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They were asking me to prove it.

“Oh, come on, baby, give me a chance.” He slurred his words, lifting his hand and brushing the back of it across my cheek.

When he looped his hand around my neck, weaving it into my hair, a small panic filled me. I froze and took a slow, deep breath. The smell of his cologne got stronger when he leaned in, and when he ran his nose along my jaw, a wave of nausea threatened to bring the fruity drink I’d had back up. He pressed his lips to the soft spot behind my ear, and fury filtered my reason.

I gripped his wrist, squeezing and twisting until he loosened his grasp. Strands of hair fell from his fingers and a small whimper left his lips. The satisfaction fueled me, and I twisted his arm, pulling his hand behind his back. I forced his chest and face against the countertop.

When the force of his face against the bar made glasses rattle, Logan and Auston whipped around and turned their attention to me, along with anyone else within earshot. It was as if the music on the speakers paused and the conversations around us became muffled, but with the shadows of bodies still moving on the dance floor, that wasn’t the case.

“Ouch, fuck!” He shouted, glaring at me through a side glance.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” I locked my fingers in his hair, pulling his head back and slamming it against the counter a second time. “Doesn’t seem like you can handle a woman that fights back instead of just letting you prey on her.”

He huffed, fighting against my grasp. I grunted, overpowering his weak attempts to break free. The guy whined when I tugged at his hair again.

“I. Said. No.” I leaned down closer to him, my breath brushing against his ear. “Don’t let me find you around this bar again. Do you understand me? If I do, I just might break your wrist and all of your fingers.”

The man pushed back against me, his strength not doing much to combat the pain in the stretch of his arm behind his back or the small headache he hopefully had from hitting it against the wooden counter. “Jesus, I’m sorry I didn’t remember you, okay?”

“Oh, it’s okay, really.” I sneered, locking my foot between his and turning my leg so my knee was against the back of his. “You’re definitely not going to forget me now.”

I pushed my knee forward, folding his, and jerked my foot back. It knocked his foot from beneath him, causing him to lose his balance. I let go of him, and he crumpled to the ground before he quickly stumbled back to his feet.

“Vindictive cunt,” he snarled, backing away. He took quick steps, limping slightly.

I smiled sweetly at him, waving with a wiggle of my fingers. I didn’t realize the eyes that were all pinned on me until I looked up from brushing my hands down the front of my jeans and T-shirt as if they were covered in dust. Auston and Logan stared at me, their mouths hanging open, and the bar slowly filled with the hum of conversation from the others.

“What?” I asked.

“Are you kidding?” Logan asked while Auston pointed to the door that closed and latched on cue.

I shrugged. “I told you I could defend myself.”

Chapter 11


Aperfect weather day in spring in Grand Rapids was rare, but the first one of the year always lifted spirits. Kids were outside playing, the parks were full, and Pour Decisions was going to be packed when it opened for the night. Until then, the smoke from the grill floated through the parking lot, carrying the smell of burning coal and whatever was still cooked on the rack from the last time it was used.

It was a group tradition to have a cookout on the first nice day of the year, so when we’d seen it was going to be sixty-five degrees and sunny, Auston and I packed up the grill and ran by the grocery store. The bar would stay closed until the normal evening opening time, but the music was already playing and the beers were cold.

I straightened the lid on the grill, covering it and letting the heat build. It would be a few minutes before it was warm enough for me to do much with it. I grabbed the cold can Auston offered me. The pop and hiss from opening the can made my mouth water, and I took a long gulp.

“This is one of my favorite days each year,” I said, patting Auston on the back.

He nodded. “Mine too, dude. This is a great group of people.”

Inside, the entire staff was probably gossiping about regular customers and brainstorming possibilities for upcoming themed nights we’d likely never have. Every year they suggested ones like pajama parties or Christmas in July. One year Ash recommended we have a foam party in the parking lot for Memorial Day.

The door to the back of the bar opened, and Sky stumbled into the sunlight with a beer in one hand and Simone’s wrist in the other. “Oh, come on, it’s beautiful out here!”

Simone sighed, but the smile on her face said she wasn’t remotely as frustrated as she wanted to be. She looked content, leaning against the wall while Sky lit a cigarette and brought it to her lips. When she offered one to Simone, she shook her head.

“Hey, Sky. Let me snag one of those from you?” Auston perked up at the smell of burning tobacco.

She giggled and held out the pack. “Shocker!” He always took cigarettes from her pack when we partied together, claiming he only smoked when he drank. Working at a bar, that was more often than not.

I laughed, watching him walk towards the offered pack with a tray of raw meat in his hands. “Will you hold this?” he asked Simone, passing her the tray before she had fully accepted.
