Page 17 of Pour It On Me

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“So you don’t think they make a man taste better?” She smirked and winked at me, tossing the pineapple into her basket.

“You’re impossible!” I laughed, throwing my head back and nudging her shoulder.

Chance had suggested I move in with her when I mentioned moving to Grand Rapids—he’d sworn we’d get along great. At first, I didn’t understand how he thought we’d get along at all. She was a little ditzy, the kind of woman that loses her keys at least three times a day even though they’re always hanging on the same hook. She was growing on me, though, and I could see why she and my cousin got along so well.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked her, desperate for the gossip I knew Chance would never tell me.

She laughed as she dug through a pile of cucumbers for the perfect one. “Go for it, but I don’t promise to answer.”

“Fair enough.” I helped her pull a bag from the roll hanging above the cooler. “What’s the deal with you and Chance? Are you really just friends?”

I knew when she hesitated that there was more there. “Yeah. We’re… just friends.” She sounded disappointed, and for a brief second, I was prepared to push her for details. Instead, she turned towards me, grabbing my basket to get my attention. “What about you and this guy at work? Do you really hate each other?”

My eyes widened, and I leaned back as if she were about to hit me. “Excuse me?”

“I’m just saying. You have mentioned over and over how much you can’t stand this Logan guy, and now suddenly you came home last night and didn’t seem as annoyed as usual. Did something happen?” She cocked her head as if she already knew the answer.

I hesitated. Did I want to tell her about the kiss? I already knew I wasn’t going to tell her about the way my lips felt like they were on fire after, nor was I willing to admit the full effect he had on me to myself. I gnawed at the inside of my cheek.

“Oh my god. Something did happen.” Emmy let go of my basket, looking around us and lowering her voice. “Spill.”

I sighed. “He kissed me.”

“He kissed you?!” she shrieked, and an old couple picking out apples turned and glared at her. Emmy cleared her throat. “What do you mean, he kissed you?”

I grabbed my basket and started to walk, hooking her arm as I did. Suddenly, I needed to get out of the store and back to the car. “I mean he walked me to my car after the cookout, and he kissed me. I don’t know. He pulled away and reminded us both that he doesn’t like me.”

“He said that?”

Fuck, I don’t even like you.

Nodding, I turned down another aisle, mindlessly grabbing a loaf of bread I probably wouldn’t eat. I just needed to look at something besides my roommate’s face. “It’s not a big deal. It was just a kiss.”

“Okay, but what kind of kiss was it?” I should’ve known she wasn’t going to drop it. “Was it like a sloppy, drunk peck on the lips, or like a make-your-knees-buckle kiss?”

My mind flashed back to the way he had cradled and controlled my head. A chill ran down my spine when I thought about his hands in my hair and the slightly sweet taste of his breath. It was different from any of the kisses I’d had leaving the bars before. They were usually sloppy, but Logan was controlled.

When Emmy raised her eyebrow, I realized I was tracing my lips. I had been thinking about it since I drove out of the parking lot. It shouldn’t have happened. I was going to lose my mind trying to put the pieces together. Logan didn’t like me, and I didn’t like him. I put my basket on the counter by the register.

“But do you like him?” She set her basket next to mine and grabbed onto my elbow. “Do you?”

No! “I tolerate him, I guess.”

She laughed. “So yes?”

“No. I can be civil for the sake of us working together. I do not like him.” I emphasized it with a sharp glare in her direction, one she only smirked at.

Emmy pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes as if she was in on a secret I didn’t know about. “Okay, if you say so.”

Chapter 13


“Man, can’t you pour that a little stronger?” Rudy said, leaning against the counter. He asked the same thing every day.

I usually played along with it and promised to make it as strong as possible, but I wasn’t feeling playful and rolled my eyes. “It’s a shot, Rudy. There’s nothing I can do to make it stronger. Just take the damn thing and suck it up.”

He cocked his head when I sat the small glass in front of him, but he lifted it to his lips and swallowed it anyway. “Someone is a grumpy fuck today. This have to do with the new girl?”
