Page 20 of Pour It On Me

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ME: Great…

I tossed my phone onto the counter and dropped the pair of gym shorts I wore, letting them fall in a pile at my feet. My shoulders were stiff, the stress from the last couple of weeks building in the form of knots in my muscles. Climbing into the shower, the hot water stung my skin and turned it pink. With the burn, any stress was temporarily washed from my body.

The water was warmer on my face when I stuck my head in the stream, and I held my breath until my lungs burned and begged for relief. Once my skin started to wrinkle and it no longer felt like my eyes were weighted shut, I grabbed the soap, bringing it to a lather and spreading the suds over my skin.

I dropped my hands down my stomach, tracing the trail of hair to my cock and closing around it. Images of blonde hair and generous curves kneeling on the floor in front of me filled my mind. I squeezed, and my erection throbbed in my grip.

“Fuck,” I groaned, dragging my hand along my length. When I tried to think of anything but Simone, I thought about her lips closing around my cock, remembering how soft they were against mine when I kissed her. They’d look so good wrapped around me.

I pumped my hand, slamming the other hand against the shower wall. I didn’t want to be thinking of the woman. “She’s infuriating,” I said, pausing to circle the head of my cock, gathering my pre-cum and dragging it back down my shaft. Another image of what her green eyes would look like staring up at me from the shower floor flashed through my mind.

“Argues with everything I say.” I hissed when I imagined my cock hitting the back of her throat. “So. Frustrating.”

I sped up my pace, my hips thrusting forward to meet each movement of my hand. “Fuck, Simone.”

The heat coiling in my core continued to twist, and my thighs and balls tightened. I closed my eyes, trying to blink away the image of Simone eagerly waiting with her tongue out. Instead, with my eyes closed, the image was clearer. I could see the way she begged with her eyes, and I could almost hear the sound of her whining for it.

When I came, the heat burst, traveling up my spine and down my legs to my toes, causing the hairs on my skin to stand on edge. I groaned loudly, hitting my hand against the wall again as warm ropes of cum hit the shower floor. I pictured her face painted with my release and rested my head against the cold tile to catch my breath.

What the fuck?

Chapter 16


“Son of a bitch!” Logan’s curses were accompanied by the shattering of a glass. Ice cubes, pink liquid, and a stray lime danced across the bar floor with the shards, and I skipped to avoid them. He quickly grabbed for the towels stacked on the counter, dropping a few on the floor over the spill.

They turned bright pink while I grabbed the broom. When I moved forward to start gathering the shards and soaked towels, Logan snapped it from my hands. My mouth dropped open, and I stared at him. “I was just trying to help, grace.”

“I don’t need your help. I’ve got it. Just… do something else, okay?” He turned from me, sweeping the pile I’d been sweeping a moment before.

I scoffed, shaking my head. A couple days ago, he’d been kissing me like he needed it more than oxygen. Now it was like he couldn’t even look at me. Rolling my eyes, I walked away, mumbling, “Whatever. Such an asshole.”

“We need limes!” The way he shouted after me was like nails on a chalkboard, and I clenched my jaw, grinding my teeth together to prevent myself from saying what I really wanted to say to him.

Go fuck yourself.

The walk-in door was sticky, making it difficult to pull it open, and I laughed at the reminder sign Auston had pasted to the front. Don’t get stuck in here. It wasn’t wrong, and it was exactly the kind of sign I’d expect from him.

I propped the door open with the mop bucket, using the plastic brakes on the bucket to hold it in place. “That should be good enough,” I said, stepping into the walk-in and scanning the shelves for the limes.

It seemed like things moved around the walk-in, and nothing was ever in the same place. There were cases of beer chilling where the citrus had sat last week. Small goose bumps formed on my arms, and I rubbed them quickly.

“Are you coming with those limes?”

I jumped, bringing my hand to my chest. “Fuck! You scared me!”

He looked amused, standing in the opening to the walk-in, and when he raised an eyebrow, I wanted to slap the expression from his face. “Top shelf, on the right,” he said.

“What?” My heart was pounding in my throat, and it felt like I had been running. I furrowed my brow, confused by his response.

“The limes.” Logan rolled his eyes, stepping forward. “I’ll just grab them.”

When he walked into the cooler, the scraping sound of plastic on linoleum echoed, followed by the slam of the metal door. Instant panic welled in my stomach, and his eyes snapped to mine.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” we asked at the same time. My voice was shrill, while his was frustrated and low.

“Me?” I asked. “You’re the one that just let the door close!”
