Page 22 of Pour It On Me

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“You’re so infuriating!” I shouted, my voice cracking on a moan when he hit the spot inside me that made my toes curl.

Logan chuckled. “Oh, but you love it. I know you do. Your pussy is fucking drenched.”

The wet smacking of his hips and thighs against my bare skin competed with the moans and gasps of breath that slipped from Logan and me. “You’re such a prick! I don’t have to like you to like your cock.” I moaned, throwing my head back when heated pleasure started to coil between my legs.

He responded with a hammering thrust of his hips, ramming into me and pulling a guttural groan from me. I rolled my body, grinding my clit against him. “Call me whatever you want, but when you come for me, you’re going to scream my name.”

“Don’t hold your breath,” I countered, my own coming in quick, staccato gasps. I locked my legs tighter around him, my pussy clenching.

His moans were low and eager, and when he picked up his pace, I knew he was getting close. The swirling pleasure in me was like a tingle, the feeling that meant I was moments from shattering. I gripped the metal racks above me, using my grasp as leverage to pull up and meet each of Logan’s thrusts.

When he leaned forward and bit my shoulder, he dug his teeth into the flesh enough for it to sting and muffle his groans. I shrieked, dropping my head back. Heat surrounded the bite, drawing a warmth to my shoulder that turned into a comfortable burn, making me relax.

I moaned, desperate for release, when his teeth closed around the soft spot on my neck behind my ear. “Logan!” I cried out, crashing into the wall of ecstasy.

My eyes clamped shut, bright lights flashing across my eyelids as my orgasm rushed through me, ending in the curling of my toes. “Just like I said. That’s right,” he groaned, “fucking come apart for me.”

I shuddered, and his movements became jerky. With a final grunt and another forceful thrust, he finished, dropping his head to my shoulder. His back was damp with sweat and heat radiated from his body. I dragged my fingers in lazy circles along his skin until the feeling in my legs returned and I was able to stand on my own again.

Gently, he dropped me to my feet. Without a word, Logan handed me my panties and jeans, and I held them while as he meticulously buttoned his own. I tugged the lace and denim up my shaking legs until they were covered, realizing how quickly fabric could cool down in a refrigerator.

I crossed my arms over myself once I was fully clothed, an awkward tension building between Logan and me. He sighed. “Come here.”

He tugged me to him, wrapping his sweatshirt around me again and holding me tight against his body. I relaxed my shoulders, resting my head on his chest and finding temporary comfort in the way he traced my shoulder blades.

“Do you think he’ll be here soon?” I asked, wishing I had my phone in my jeans pocket so I could watch the time or try and call someone.

Logan cocked his head. “Who?”

“Anyone.” I whimpered against his shirt. “I’m freezing.”

“I could warm you up again.” He chuckled, snarling against my ear.

I thought about the cold denim on my thighs and shook my head. “No way. I’m too cold.”

He tightened his hold on me, and I settled into the subtle warmth. “I’ll keep you warm,” he promised quietly.

“Logan?” I shouldn’t ask him, but I had to know. When he looked down at me, humming in response, I continued, getting the words out before I could change my mind. “Why do you hate me so much?”

His laugh echoed, and I felt silly for asking with his cum slowly dripping out of me. “I don’t know.”

“But you—” I couldn’t finish the sentence before the door flung open. I pulled away from Logan’s grasp and rushed to the opening. “We’re saved!”

Auston held the door open, stepping out of the way when I hurried past him. I jumped in small circles in the back of the bar, hoping the movements would heat me up quicker. The movement in the cooler had helped then. If Auston had walked in two minutes earlier, he would’ve caught us keeping each other warm. I blushed.

“Are you guys okay?” he asked, concerned.

Logan nodded, his stare glued to me as he did. “We’re good. Drama queen here thought she was going to die in there.” The familiar snark I’d gotten used to over the past couple weeks had returned, and my stomach sank.

He and Auston laughed, and I frowned at them. “You can’t blame me for thinking I was going to freeze to death in a freezer.”

They rolled their eyes, mirroring my action. “It’s a cooler, not a freezer. You weren’t going to freeze to death that fast.” Logan lifted his brow, and my pussy clenched.

“I’m just surprised you both walked out of there without attacking each other,” Auston said. He cackled, slapping Logan on the back and winking at me. My own laugh sounded forced.

“It was a close call,” Logan agreed. There was a glint of amusement on his face when he looked at me, and I blushed.

I looked away to hide the sudden pink tint in my cheeks, hoping I could disguise it as just being cold. “You have no idea.”
